pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis


 [noo″mah-to´sis] air or gas in an abnormal location in the body.pneumatosis cystoi´des intestina´lis a condition characterized by the presence of thin-walled, gas-containing cysts in the wall of the intestines. Called also intestinal emphysema.

pneu·ma·to·sis cys·toi·des in·tes·ti·na·lis

a condition of unknown cause characterized by the occurrence of gas cysts in the intestinal mucous membrane; may produce intestinal obstruction. Synonym(s): intestinal emphysema

pneu·ma·to·sis cys·toi·des in·tes·ti·na·lis

(nū'mă-tō'sis sis-toyd'ēz in-tes-ti-nā'lis) A condition of unknown cause characterized by the occurrence of gas cysts in the intestinal mucous membrane; may produce intestinal obstruction.
Synonym(s): intestinal emphysema.