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DictionarySeecyclopiasynonymous substitution
synonymous substitution[si·′nän·ə·məs ‚səb·stə′tü·shən] (genetics) isonymous substitution synophthalmia
cy·clo·pi·a (sī-klō'pē-ă), A congenital defect in which the two orbits are united to form a single cavity containing one eye, which typically results from union of the right and left optic primordia, usually combined with holoprosencephaly or cyclencephaly. Synonym(s): cyclopea, synophthalmia, synophthalmus [G. Kyklōps, fr. kyklos, circle, + ōps, eye] The presence of a single, large centrally located eye—which may be a non-functional, if present, proboscis—and a single upper front incisor. It is caused by a failure of the embryonic prosencephalon to properly divide the orbits of the eye into two cavities, possibly related to a defect in cholesterol transportcy·clo·pi·a (sī-klō'pē-ă) A congenital defect in which the two orbits are united to form a single cavity containing one eye, its origin evidenced by fusion of the right and left optic primordia, and in which the nose is absent; usually combined with cyclencephaly. Synonym(s): synophthalmia. [G. Kyklōps, fr. kyklos, circle, + ōps, eye] |