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pneumopyelography pneumopyelography [noo″mo-pi″ĕ-log´rah-fe] radiography after injection of oxygen or air into the renal pelvis.pneu·mo·py·e·log·ra·phy (nū'mō-pī'ĕ-log'ră-fē), Radiography of the kidney after air or gas has been injected into the renal pelvis. [G. pneuma, air, + pyelos, pelvis, + graphō, to write] pneu·mo·py·e·log·ra·phy (nū'mō-pī-ĕ-log'ră-fē) Radiography of the kidney after air or gas has been injected into the renal pelvis.[G. pneuma, air, + pyelos, pelvis, + graphō, to write] |