Rickettsia akari

Rick·ett·si·a a·kar·i

a bacterial species causing human rickettsialpox; transmitted by the house mouse mite, Liponyssoides sanguineus; a mild febrile disease of 7-10 days is produced with an urban distribution in the northeastern U.S. and in wild or commensal rodents in the countries in eastern parts of Russia and in some countries of Central Asia, and in Africa.

Rick·ett·si·a a·kar·i

(ri-ket'sē-ă ă-kā'rī) A species causing human rickettsialpox, a mild, acute febrile disease; transmitted by the house mouse mite Liponyssoides sanguineus.


Howard T., U.S. pathologist, 1871-1910. Rickettsia akari - a species causing human rickettsialpox.Rickettsia australis - a species causing a spotted fever.Rickettsia conrii - an African species probably causing boutonneuse fever.Rickettsia prowazekii - a species causing epidemic typhus.Rickettsia rickettsii - the agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever.Rickettsia sibirica - the agent of Siberian or North Asian tick typhus.Rickettsia tsutsugamushi - a species causing tsutsugamushi disease and scrub typhus.Rickettsia typhi - a species causing murine or endemic typhus fever.rickettsial - pertaining to or caused by rickettsiae.rickettsialpox - an acute disease caused by Rickettsia akari; transmitted by the mite.rickettsiosis - infection with rickettsiae.rickettsiostatic - an agent inhibitory to the growth of Rickettsia.