Accelerated Graphics Port

accelerated graphics port

[ak‚sel·ə‚rād·əd ′graf·iks ‚pȯrt] (computer science) A personal computer graphics bus that transfers data at a greater rate than a PCI bus.

Accelerated Graphics Port

(hardware, graphics)(AGP) A bus specification by Intelwhich gives low-cost 3D graphics cards faster access tomain memory on personal computers than the usual PCIbus.

AGP dynamically allocates the PC's normal RAM to store thescreen image and to support texture mapping, z-bufferingand alpha blending.

Intel has built AGP into a chipset for its Pentium IImicroprocessor. AGP cards are slightly longer than a PCIcard.

AGP operates at 66 MHz, doubled to 133 MHz, compared withPCI's 33 Mhz. AGP allows for efficient use of frame buffermemory, thereby helping 2D graphics performance as well.

AGP provides a coherent memory management design which allowsscattered data in system memory to be read in rapid bursts.AGP reduces the overall cost of creating high-end graphicssubsystems by using existing system memory.
