Ulianov, Dmitrii Ilich
Ul’ianov, Dmitrii Il’ich
Born Aug. 4 (16), 1874, in Simbirsk (now Ul’ianovsk); died July 16, 1943, in Gorki Leninskie; buried in Moscow. Joined the Russian revolutionary movement in 1894. Member of the Communist Party from 1903. Younger brother of V. I. Lenin.
In 1893, Ul’ianov graduated from the Samara Gymnasium and entered the faculty of medicine at Moscow University. He was a member of Marxist circles and of the Workers’ Union in Moscow. Arrested in 1897, he was sent in 1898 to Podol’sk, where he was kept under police supervision. Ul’ianov became an Iskra agent in 1900. He graduated from the faculty of medicine at the University of Iur’ev (now Tartu) in 1901 and began practicing medicine the following year in southern Russia. In 1903, Ul’ianov carried out revolutionary work in Tula; after serving as a delegate to the second Congress of the RSDLP, he became an agent in Kiev for the Central Committee of the RSDLP. He was arrested several times for his revolutionary activities.
During the revolution of 1905-07, Ul’ianov practiced medicine—first in Simbirsk, where he also served as a member of the local committee of the RSDLP, and then in Fedosiia and in Serpukhov District. During World War I, he served in the army as a medical officer in Sevastopol’, in Odessa, and at the Rumanian front; he also engaged in revolutionary work at this time.
Ul’ianov took part in the struggle for Soviet power in the Crimea. In December 1917, he became a member of the Tavrida committee of the RSDLP(B), and in 1918 and 1919 he worked in the party’s underground organization in the Crimea. In 1919, Ul’ianov was a member of the Evpatoriia committee of the RCP(B), a member of the Evpatoriia revolutionary committee, and deputy chairman of the Crimean Council of People’s Commissars. In 1920 and 1921, he was a member of the Crimean oblast committee of the RCP(B) and of the Crimean revolutionary committee.
In 1921, Ul’ianov became a staff member of the People’s Commissariat for Public Health and of the Ia. M. Sverdlov Communist University, both in Moscow. In 1933 he joined the scientific section of the polyclinic of the Kremlin Medical Office. In addition to practicing medicine, Ul’ianov worked in the Central Lenin Museum. He lived in Ul’ianovsk in 1941 and 1942 and then returned to Moscow.
Ul’ianov was a delegate to the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Party Congresses.
Ocherki raznykh let: vospominaniia, perepiska, stat’i. Moscow, 1974.Vospominaniia o Vladimire ll’iche, 4th ed. Moscow 1971.
O Lénine: Otrvyki iz vospominanii. Moscow, 1934. (With M.I. Ul’ianova.)
Lenin, V. I. “Pis’ma k rodnym, 1893-1922.” Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 55.Perepiska sem’i Ul’ianovykh, 1883-1917, Moscow, 1969.
Vol’fson, B. M. “D. I. Ul’ianov.” Voprosy istorii KPSS, 1964, no. 9.
Khigerov, R. “Mladshii brat.” In Posadskie Liudi’ (seePOSADSKIE LIUDI), “Concerning Seigniorial Lands Partiia shagaet v revoliutsiiu, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1969.