a tribal group of the Eastern Slavs. The Ulichi lived along the lower Dnieper and the Black Sea. They waged a stubborn struggle for independence from the Kievan princes. Circa 940 the Kievan voevoda (military commander) Svenel’d besieged the Ulichi city of Peresechen. In the mid-tenth century the Ulichi were included as part of the ancient Russian state. With the onslaught of the Pechenegs, the Ulichi migrated to the north. The last references to them in the chronicles date from the mid-tenth century.
Rybakov, B. A. “Ulichi.” Kratkie soobshcheniia in-ta istorii materialnoi kul’tury, fasc. 35. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950.Tret’iakov, P. N. Vostochnoslavianskie plemena, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1953.