

(language)A macro system for Scheme by R. Kent Dybvig. It is superior to the low-level systemdescribed in the Revised^4 Report (R4RS). Pattern variablesare ordinary identifiers with essentially the same status aslexical variable names and macro keywords. The syntaxis modified to recognise and handle references to patternvariables. Version 2.1 works with Chez Scheme and theMacintosh port runs under MacGambit 2.0

["Syntactic Abstraction in Scheme",Robert Hieb, R. Kent Dybvig and Carl BruggemanIUCS TR #355, 6/92 (revised 7/3/92)].

["Writing Hygienic Macros in Scheme with Syntax-Case", R. KentDybvig, IUCS TR #356, 6/92 (revised 7/3/92)].