Traumatic Gastritis

Gastritis, Traumatic


(also called traumatic reticulitis), an inflammation of the wall of the reticulum in ruminants with extension to the peritoneum. It occurs when sharp objects enter the reticulum with fodder. When the reticulum contracts, its walls become perforated, with consequent injury and inflammation of the folds of the peritoneum and sometimes of such adjacent organs as the diaphragm, heart, lungs, and liver. The symptoms include rejection of feed, reduction or cessation of rumination and movements of the rumen, pain in the region of the reticulum, moaning, and intermittent fever. Metal objects are found in the reticulum by means of roentgenography or with metal detectors. The objects are removed with magnetic metal retrievers (magnetic rings) or by means of surgery. Traumatic gastritis is prevented by keeping fodder, meadows, and pastures free of metal objects.


Preobrazhenskii, N. M., V. V. Poliankin, and V. R. Tarasov. Bolezni organov pishchevareniia krupnogo rogatogo skota i ikh lechenie. Moscow, 1971.