

单词 spew



S0630800 (spyo͞o)v. spewed, spew·ing, spews v.tr.1. To send out or force out in large amounts: a volcano that spewed molten lava; spewed invective at his opponent.2. To vomit or otherwise cast out (matter) through the mouth.v.intr.1. To flow or gush forth: Water was spewing from the hydrant.2. To vomit.n. Something spewed.
[Middle English spewen, from Old English spīwan.]
spew′er n.


(spjuː) vb1. (Physiology) to eject (the contents of the stomach) involuntarily through the mouth; vomit2. (Physiology) to spit (spittle, phlegm, etc) out of the mouth3. (usually foll by out) to send or be sent out in a stream: flames spewed out. nsomething ejected from the mouth Also (archaic): spue [Old English spīwan; related to Old Norse spӯja, Gothic speiwan, Old High German spīwan, Latin spuere, Lithuanian spiauti] ˈspewer n



v.i. 1. to discharge the contents of the stomach through the mouth; vomit. 2. to gush or pour out. v.t. 3. to eject from the stomach through the mouth; vomit. 4. to pour out or hurl forth violently. n. 5. something that is spewed; vomit. Sometimes, spue. [before 900; Middle English; Old English spīwan, c. Old Frisian spīwa, Old Saxon, Old High German spīwan, Old Norse spȳja, Gothic speiwan] spew′er, n.


- First meant "vomit."See also related terms for vomit.


Past participle: spewed
Gerund: spewing
I spew
you spew
he/she/it spews
we spew
you spew
they spew
I spewed
you spewed
he/she/it spewed
we spewed
you spewed
they spewed
Present Continuous
I am spewing
you are spewing
he/she/it is spewing
we are spewing
you are spewing
they are spewing
Present Perfect
I have spewed
you have spewed
he/she/it has spewed
we have spewed
you have spewed
they have spewed
Past Continuous
I was spewing
you were spewing
he/she/it was spewing
we were spewing
you were spewing
they were spewing
Past Perfect
I had spewed
you had spewed
he/she/it had spewed
we had spewed
you had spewed
they had spewed
I will spew
you will spew
he/she/it will spew
we will spew
you will spew
they will spew
Future Perfect
I will have spewed
you will have spewed
he/she/it will have spewed
we will have spewed
you will have spewed
they will have spewed
Future Continuous
I will be spewing
you will be spewing
he/she/it will be spewing
we will be spewing
you will be spewing
they will be spewing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been spewing
you have been spewing
he/she/it has been spewing
we have been spewing
you have been spewing
they have been spewing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been spewing
you will have been spewing
he/she/it will have been spewing
we will have been spewing
you will have been spewing
they will have been spewing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been spewing
you had been spewing
he/she/it had been spewing
we had been spewing
you had been spewing
they had been spewing
I would spew
you would spew
he/she/it would spew
we would spew
you would spew
they would spew
Past Conditional
I would have spewed
you would have spewed
he/she/it would have spewed
we would have spewed
you would have spewed
they would have spewed
Verb1.spew - expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth; "The father of the victim spat at the alleged murderer"ptyalise, ptyalize, spit, spuecough out, cough up, expectorate, spit up, spit out - discharge (phlegm or sputum) from the lungs and out of the mouth
2.spew - eject or send out in large quantities, also metaphorical; "the volcano spews out molten rocks every day"; "The editors of the paper spew out hostile articles about the Presidential candidate"eruct, spew outeject, expel, release, exhaust, discharge - eliminate (a substance); "combustion products are exhausted in the engine"; "the plant releases a gas"
3.spew - eject the contents of the stomach through the mouthspew - eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; "After drinking too much, the students vomited"; "He purged continuously"; "The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night"barf, be sick, puke, regorge, retch, sick, throw up, upchuck, vomit, vomit up, spue, disgorge, cat, chuck, honk, regurgitate, purge, castegest, excrete, eliminate, pass - eliminate from the body; "Pass a kidney stone"


verb1. shed, discharge, send out, issue, throw out, eject, diffuse, emanate, exude, cast out An oil tanker spewed its cargo into the sea.2. vomit, throw up (informal), puke (slang), chuck (Austral. & N.Z. informal), spit out, regurgitate, disgorge, barf (U.S. slang), chunder (slang, chiefly Austral.), belch forth, upchuck (U.S. slang), do a technicolour yawn (slang), toss your cookies (U.S. slang) Let's get out of his way before he starts spewing.


verbTo send forth (confined matter) violently:belch, disgorge, eject, eruct, erupt, expel.Geology: extravasate.


spew (one's) guts (out)

1. slang To speak truthfully and share everything one knows about something, especially a sensitive issue or a wrong one has committed. OK, spew your guts—I want to hear whatever you kids are plotting back there. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just spew my guts out like that. I just haven't had anyone to talk to about what happened.2. slang To vomit violently and lengthily. I've been spewing my guts all morning, so, no, I don't think I'll be in to work today. My friends got me so drunk on my 21st birthday that I spent the whole next day spewing my guts out.See also: gut, spew

spew out

1. To gush out suddenly and with great force or volume. Sewage started spewing out after we struck the pipe with our shovels. I turned around just as vomited spewed out of his mouth.2. To cause something to gush or discharge out suddenly and with great force or volume. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "spew" and "out." The hose spewed out a vile green muck when I turned on the tap. I got so drunk that I ended up spewing my dinner out onto the bar.3. To say something in a very aggressive, forceful, or vitriolic manner. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "spew" and "out." The group of protestors continued to spew obscenities out at us as we made our way to the car. By the end of the debate, my opponent was reduced to spewing out absurd, unprovable accusations.See also: out, spew

spew up

1. To cause something to gush or discharge upward suddenly and with great force or volume. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "spew" and "up." The volcano has been spewing up plumes of ash and toxic gas for days now. The broken water main spewed water up ten feet into the air.2. slang To vomit (something), especially at great length, with great force, or in great volume. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "spew" and "up." I thought he was going to spew up, so I pulled the car over and let him out onto the curb. I got so drunk that I ended up spewing my dinner up onto the bar.See also: spew, up

spew one's guts (out)

 1. Sl. to empty one's stomach; to vomit. Fred is spewing his guts out because of that lousy fish you served. He's spewing his guts because he has the flu. 2. Sl. to tell everything that one knows; to confess everything. (Underworld.) Lefty was sitting there in the police station spewing his guts out about the bank job. If he really is spewing his guts, the mob will cancel his Christmas.See also: gut, spew

spew something out

to have something gush forth. The faucet spewed a little yellowish water out and stopped altogether. The faucet spewed out some yellowish water.See also: out, spew

spew something up

to gush something upward. The geyser spewed hot water and steam up every hour on the hour. The fountain spewed up a thin stream of cool, clear water.See also: spew, up

spew up

v.1. To eject some contents of the stomach by vomiting: She spewed up the spoiled chicken. The sick child spewed his lunch up.2. To vomit: I spewed up in the car after the turbulent plane ride.See also: spew, up


in. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. After dinner, I suddenly had the urge to spew.

spew one’s guts (out)

1. tv. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. Fred is spewing his guts out because of that lousy fish you served. 2. tv. to tell everything that one knows; to confess everything. (Underworld.) Lefty was sitting there in the cop-shop spewing his guts out about the bank job. See also: gut, out, spew

spew one’s guts

verbSee spew one’s guts outSee also: gut, spew


SPEWSociety for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (Harry Potter books)
SPEWSexy Professional Exotic Wrestling
SPEWSocialist Party of England and Wales
SPEWSmall Projectile Emitter Weapon (video game weapon)
SPEWSpeaking Potter Every Week (Harry Potter podcast)


  • verb

Synonyms for spew

verb shed


  • shed
  • discharge
  • send out
  • issue
  • throw out
  • eject
  • diffuse
  • emanate
  • exude
  • cast out

verb vomit


  • vomit
  • throw up
  • puke
  • chuck
  • spit out
  • regurgitate
  • disgorge
  • barf
  • chunder
  • belch forth
  • upchuck
  • do a technicolour yawn
  • toss your cookies

Synonyms for spew

verb to send forth (confined matter) violently


  • belch
  • disgorge
  • eject
  • eruct
  • erupt
  • expel
  • extravasate

Synonyms for spew

verb expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth


  • ptyalise
  • ptyalize
  • spit
  • spue

Related Words

  • cough out
  • cough up
  • expectorate
  • spit up
  • spit out

verb eject or send out in large quantities, also metaphorical


  • eruct
  • spew out

Related Words

  • eject
  • expel
  • release
  • exhaust
  • discharge

verb eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth


  • barf
  • be sick
  • puke
  • regorge
  • retch
  • sick
  • throw up
  • upchuck
  • vomit
  • vomit up
  • spue
  • disgorge
  • cat
  • chuck
  • honk
  • regurgitate
  • purge
  • cast

Related Words

  • egest
  • excrete
  • eliminate
  • pass




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