

V5020150 (və-nŭs′pə-tē, -näs′-)n. Any of various hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as palm oil or cottonseed oil, having a semisolid or granular consistency, used especially in South Asian cooking.
[Hindi, short for vanaspati ghī, vegetable ghee : vanaspati, vegetation, the vegetable kingdom (from Sanskrit vanaspatiḥ, tree (literally, "lord of the wood") : vanas, probably genitive singular of van-, tree, wood; akin to Avestan vanā-, tree + patiḥ, lord; see poti- in Indo-European roots) + ghī, ghee.]


(vəˈnæspətɪ) n (Cookery) a hydrogenated vegetable fat commonly used in India as a substitute for butter[C20: the Sanskrit name of a forest plant, from vana forest + pati lord]