viral hemagglutination

vi·ral he·mag·glu·ti·na·tion

the nonimmune agglutination of suspended red blood cells by certain of a wide range of otherwise unrelated viruses, usually by the virion itself but in some instances by products of viral growth (for example, subunits), the species of erythrocyte agglutinated differing with the different viruses.
See also: hemagglutination inhibition.

vi·ral he·mag·glu·ti·na·tion

(vī'răl hē'mă-glū-ti-nā'shŭn) The nonimmune agglutination of suspended red blood cells by certain of a wide range of otherwise unrelated viruses, usually by the virion itself but in some instances by products of viral growth, the species of erythrocyte agglutinated varying with the different viruses.