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DictionarySeeridgeridge augmentation
augmentation (og?men-ta'shon) [L. augmentare, to increase, grow] 1. The act of adding to or increasing the shape, size, function, or strength of something. 2. In obstetrics, the use of pharmacological or surgical interventions to help the progression of a previously dysfunctional labor. Synonym: augmentation of laborbreast augmentationAugmentation mammaplasty.augmentation of laborAugmentation (2).localized alveolar ridge augmentationDental surgery to repair defects in the jaw due to the extraction or loss of a tooth. A bone graft is placed into the socket formed at the base of the extracted tooth. Alternatives to a bone graft include a soft-tissue graft or bone substitutes. The surrounding gum is sutured in place to cover the graft. The grafted bone can repair aesthetic defects or be used as a foundation for dental implants. Results generally include an increase in the width and/or height of the alveolar ridge. Synonym: ridge augmentationpercutaneous vertebral augmentation Abbreviation: PVA Any surgical treatment for spinal fractures that corrects the defect produced by the fracture, e.g., kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty.ridge augmentationLocalized alveolar ridge augmentation.ridge aug·men·ta·tion (rij awgmĕn-tāshŭn) Addition of bone to the alveolar ridge to increase its height and thickness; fills in defects and facilitates retention of implants and prostheses. LegalSeeAugmentationThesaurusSeeaugmentation |