

单词 spf



abbr. sun protection factor


abbreviation for 1. (Telecommunications) sender policy framework: a mechanism designed to prevent an e-mail address being duplicated and used as a false address from which to send unsolicited e-mails 2. (Chemical Engineering) sun protection factor: an indicator of how effectively a sun cream, lotion, cosmetic, etc, protects the skin from the harmful rays of the sun: SPF 25.


sun protection factor: the effectiveness of suntanning preparations in protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
Noun1.SPF - the degree to which a sunscreen protects the skin from the direct rays of the sunsun protection factordegree, level, grade - a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality; "a moderate grade of intelligence"; "a high level of care is required"; "it is all a matter of degree"



(1) (Stateful Packet Firewall) See stateful inspection.

(2) (Sender Policy Framework) An email authentication system that verifies that the message came from an authorized mail server. SPF is designed to detect messages from spammers and phishers who falsify the sender's IP address in the email header. SPF is an extension to the SMTP mail protocol.

SPF Records
The DNS system identifies the IP address of a receiving mail server with a line of text in the DNS database known as an MX record. DNS also supports a "reverse MX" record, which identifies the sending mail server and is used by SPF. When an email message is received, the mail server checks the SPF record in the DNS to see if it matches the actual IP address of the message. If it does, the email is considered valid. For more information, visit www.spf.pobox.com.

SPF Classic and PRA
There are two approaches to checking email messages via SPF. SPF Classic systems check only the envelope header, while Microsoft's Purported Responsible Address (PRA) method looks at the headers within the message. See Sender ID, Joe Job, spam, phishing, throwaway domain and SMTP.



 [fak´ter] an agent or element that contributes to the production of a result.accelerator factor factor V, one of the coagulation factors.factor I see coagulation factors.factor II see coagulation factors.factor III see coagulation factors.factor IV see coagulation factors.factor V see coagulation factors.factor VI see coagulation factors.factor VII see coagulation factors.factor VIII see coagulation factors.factor IX see coagulation factors.factor X see coagulation factors.factor XI see coagulation factors.factor XII see coagulation factors.factor XIII see coagulation factors.angiogenesis factor a substance that causes the growth of new blood vessels, found in tissues with high metabolic requirements such as cancers and the retina. It is also released by hypoxic macrophages at the edges or outer surface of a wound and initiates revascularization in wound healing.antihemophilic factor (AHF) 1. factor VIII, one of the coagulation factors.2. a preparation of factor VIII administered intravenously for the prevention or treatment of hemorrhage in patients with hemophilia A and the treatment of von Willebrand disease, hypofibrinogenemia, and coagulation factor XIII deficiency. Included are preparations derived from human plasma (antihemophilic factor, cryoprecipitated antihemophilic factor) or porcine plasma (antihemophilic factor [porcine]) and those produced by recombinant technology antihemophilic factor [recombinant]).antihemophilic factor A factor VIII, one of the coagulation factors.antihemophilic factor B factor IX, one of the coagulation factors.antihemophilic factor C factor XI, one of the coagulation factors.antihemorrhagic factor vitamin K.antinuclear factor (ANF) antinuclear antibody.antirachitic factor vitamin D.atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) a hormone produced in the cardiac atrium; an inhibitor of renin secretion and thus of the production of angiotensin, and a stimulator of aldosterone release. Its effect is increased excretion of water and sodium and a lowering of blood pressure.factor B a complement component that participates in the alternative complement pathway.blastogenic factor lymphocyte-transforming factor.carative f's in the theory of human caring, a set of ten factors that offer a descriptive topology of interventions including (1) a humanistic-altruistic system of values; (2) faith-hope; (3) sensitivity to self and others; (4) a helping-trusting, human care relationship; (5) the expression of positive and negative feelings; (6) a creative problem-solving caring process; (7) transpersonal teaching and learning; (8) a supportive, protective, and/or corrective mental, physical, societal, and spiritual environment; (9) human needs assistance; and (10) existential-phenomenological-spiritual forces.Christmas factor factor IX, one of the coagulation factors.citrovorum factor folinic acid.clotting f's coagulation factors" >coagulation factors.C3 nephritic factor (C3 NeF) an autoantibody that stabilizes the alternative complement pathway C3 convertase, preventing its inactivation by factor h, resulting in complete consumption of plasma C3; it is found in the serum of many patients with type II glomerulonephritis" >membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.coagulation f's see coagulation factors.colony-stimulating factor (CSF) any of a number of glycoproteins responsible for the proliferation, differentiation, and functional activation of hematopoietic progenitor cells; specific factors are named for the cell lines that they stimulate. Used to promote bone marrow proliferation in aplastic anemia, following cytotoxic chemotherapy, or following transplantation" >bone marrow transplantation. Types include granulocyte, granulocyte-macrophage, and macrophage colony-stimulating factors.factor D a factor that when activated serves as a serine esterase in the alternative complement pathway.decay accelerating factor (DAF) a protein of most blood as well as endothelial and epithelial cells, CD55 (see CD antigen); it protects the cell membranes from attack by autologous complement.endothelial-derived relaxant factor (endothelial-derived relaxing factor) (endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF)) nitric oxide.extrinsic factor cyanocobalamin.F factor (fertility factor) F plasmid.fibrin-stabilizing factor (FSF) factor XIII, one of the coagulation factors.Fitzgerald factor high-molecular-weight kininogen.Fletcher factor prekallikrein.granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) a factor" >colony-stimulating factor that stimulates production of neutrophils from precursor cells.granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) a factor" >colony-stimulating factor that binds to stem cells and most myelocytes and stimulates their differentiation into granulocytes and macrophages.growth factor any substance that promotes skeletal or somatic growth; usually a mineral, hormone, or vitamin.factor H a complement system regulatory protein that inhibits the alternative pathway of complement activation.Hageman factor (HF) factor XII, one of the coagulation factors. See illustration.Activation of Hageman factor (factor XII) leads to increased vascular permeability, clotting, and thrombolysis. From Damjanov, 2000.hematopoietic growth f's a group of substances with the ability to support hematopoietic colony formation in vitro, including erythropoietin, interleukin-3, and colony-stimulating factors. All except erythropoietin stimulate mature cells, have overlapping capabilities to affect progenitor cells of several blood cell lines, and also affect cells outside the hematopoietic system.histamine-releasing factor (HRF) a lymphokine, believed to be produced by macrophages and B lymphocytes, that induces the release of histamine by IgE-bound basophils. It occurs in late phase allergic reaction, six or more hours after contact with the antigen, in sensitive individuals.homologous restriction factor (HRF) a regulatory protein that binds to the complex" >membrane attack complex in autologous cells, inhibiting the final stages of complement activation.factor I a plasma enzyme that regulates both classical and alternative pathways of complement activation by inactivating their C3 convertases.immunoglobulin-binding factor (IBF) a lymphokine having the ability to bind IgG complexed with antigen and prevent complement activation.insulinlike growth f's (IGF) insulinlike substances in serum that do not react with insulin antibodies; they are growth hormone–dependent and possess all the growth-promoting properties of the somatomedins.intensification factor in radiology, the comparative increase in light transmission when films are exposed in the presence of intensifying screens compared to that in the absence of screens.intrinsic factor a glycoprotein secreted by the parietal cells of the gastric glands, necessary for the absorption of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Its absence results in pernicious anemia.LE factor an immunoglobulin that reacts with leukocyte nuclei, found in the serum in systemic lupus erythematosus.lymph node permeability factor (LNPF) a substance from normal lymph nodes that produces vascular permeability.lymphocyte mitogenic factor (LMF) (lymphocyte-transforming factor) a substance that is released by lymphocytes stimulated by specific antigen and causes nonstimulated lymphocytes to undergo blast transformation and cell division; called also blastogenic factor.macrophage-activating factor (MAF) interferon-α.macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) a factor" >colony-stimulating factor secreted by macrophages, stimulated endothelial cells, and most tissues, that stimulates the production of macrophages from precursor cells and maintains the viability of mature macrophages in vitro.macrophage chemotactic factor (MCF) a lymphokine that attracts macrophages to the invasion site.macrophage-derived growth factor a substance released by macrophages below the surface of a wound that induces the proliferation of fibroblasts.macrophage inhibition factor (macrophage inhibitory factor) migration inhibitory factor.migration inhibition factor (migration inhibitory factor) a lymphokine that inhibits macrophage migration.minification factor in radiology, the gain in light achieved by a reduction in size of the output phosphor from the input phosphor size.osteoclast-activating factor (OAF) a lymphokine that stimulates bone resorption; it may be involved in the bone resorption associated with multiple myeloma and other hematologic neoplasms or inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease.factor P properdin.platelet f's see platelet factors.platelet-activating factor (PAF) a substance released by basophils and mast cells in hypersensitivity" >immediate hypersensitivity reactions, and by macrophages and neutrophils in other inflammatory reactions; it leads to bronchoconstriction, platelet aggregation, and release of vasoactive substances from platelets.platelet-derived growth factor a substance contained in platelets and capable of inducing proliferation of vascular endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, and glial cells; its action contributes to the repair of damaged vascular walls.R factor R plasmid.releasing f's factors elaborated in one structure (as in the hypothalamus) that effect the release of hormones from another structure (as from the anterior pituitary gland), including corticotropin-releasing factor, melanocyte-stimulating hormone–releasing factor, and prolactin-releasing factor. Applied to substances of unknown chemical structure, while substances of established chemical identity are called releasing hormones.resistance factor R f.Rh factor a type of agglutinogen found on some erythrocytes; see also rh factor" >rh factor.rheumatoid factor (RF) antibodies directed against antigenic determinants on IgG molecules, found in the serum of about 80 per cent of patients with classic or definite rheumatoid arthritis; but in only about 20 per cent of patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; rheumatoid factors may be IgM, IgG, or IgA antibodies, although serologic tests measure only IgM. Rheumatoid factors also occur in other connective tissue diseases and infectious diseases.risk factor an agent or situation that is known to make an individual or population more susceptible to the development of a specific negative condition.risk factor (omaha) an environmental, psychosocial, or physiologic event or health related behavior that increases the client's exposure or vulnerability to the development of a client problem; the nurse's knowledge base of risk factors is used to identify potential modifiers" >problem modifiers in the scheme" >Problem Classification scheme of the omaha system." >omaha system.stable factor factor VII, one of the coagulation factors.Stuart factor (Stuart-Prower factor) factor X, one of the coagulation factors.sun protection factor (SPF) a numerical rating of the amount of protection afforded by a sunscreen; the higher the number, the more protection is provided.tissue factor factor III, one of the coagulation factors.transfer factor (TF) a factor occurring in sensitized lymphocytes that can transfer delayed hypersensitivity to a formerly nonreactive individual; see also transfer factor.tumor necrosis factor (TNF) either of two lymphokines produced primarily by cells of the immune system, capable of causing in vivo hemorrhagic necrosis of certain tumor cells but not normal cells. They also destroy cells associated with the response" >inflammatory response. They have been used as experimental anticancer agents but can also induce shock when bacterial endotoxins cause their release. Tumor necrosis factor α, formerly called cachectin, contains 157 amino acids and is produced by macrophages, eosinophils, and NK cells. Tumor necrosis factor β is lymphotoxin and contains 171 amino acids.vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (vascular permeability factor (VPF)) a peptide factor that stimulates the proliferation of cells of the endothelium of blood vessels; it promotes tissue vascularization and is important in blood vessel formation in tumors. von Willebrand's factor (vWF) a glycoprotein synthesized in endothelial cells and megakaryocytes that circulates complexed to coagulation factor VIII. It is involved in adhesion of platelets to damaged epithelial surfaces and may participate in platelet aggregation. Deficiency results in the prolonged bleeding time seen in von Willebrand's disease.


Abbreviation for sun protection factor.


abbr. sun protection factor
Commonly abbreviated SPF. The ratio of the length of exposure to the sun required to produce a given level of erythaema before the application of sunscreen to the length of exposure required to produce such erythema after the application of sunscreen


1. S-phase fraction, see there.2. Standard perfusion fluid.3. Sun protection factor A scale for rating sunscreens; sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher provide the best protection from the sun's harmful rays. See Malignant melanoma, Sunblock, Sunscreen, Tanning salons, Ultraviolet radiation.


Abbreviation for sun protection factor.


SPFSun Protection Factor (sun block rating)
SPFSender Policy Framework (antispam initiative)
SPFStrategic Prevention Framework (US federal grant program)
SPFShortest Path First
SPFService Public Fédéral (Belgium)
SPFSingapore Police Force
SPFSpecific Pathogen Free
SPFSygate Personal Firewall
SPFSender Permitted From (email; now Sender Policy Framework)
SPFSouth Pacific Forum
SPFSchool Performance Framework (various locations)
SPFSeasonal Performance Factor (heat pumps)
SPFSecurity Policy Framework (UK)
SPFSecours Populaire Français
SPFSingle Point of Failure
SPFStatic Packet Filter
SPFStack Pointer Fetch
SPFSuper Performance
SPFStateful Packet Filter
SPFStealthy Packet Filter
SPFSlide Presentation File
SPFSender Policy Framework
SPFSpool File
SPFSource Physical File
SPFSender Permitted from
SPFSpruce Pine Fir
SPFSharePoint Foundation (web platform)
SPFSpray-applied Polyurethane Foam
SPFSociety for the Propagation of the Faith
SPFSasakawa Peace Foundation (Japan)
SPFSkin Protection Factor
SPFServicio Penitenciario Federal (Spanish; Argentina)
SPFSouthern Powerlifting Federation (weights)
SPFSuperplastic Forming (metallurgy)
SPFSumiju Precision Forging (Japan)
SPFStrategic Policy Framework (various nations)
SPFSocial Partnership Forum
SPFSpecial Projects Fund (various organizations)
SPFStandard Pacific Corporation (stock symbol)
SPFSingle Point Failure
SPFSociété Préhistorique Française (French: French Prehistoric Society; est. 1904)
SPFSquirrel Proof Feeder
SPFSystem Productivity Facility (system used in TSO to create and edit data)
SPFSustainable Production Forestry (Australia)
SPFStandard Policy Form (insurance)
SPFStandard Project Flood
SPFServicio Público Federal (Mexico)
SPFSuper Frame (ITU-T)
SPFStructured Programming Facility
SPFSkagitonians to Preserve Farmland (Mount Vernon, WA)
SPFSociété de Psychanalyse Freudienne (French: Freudian Psychoanalysis Society; est. 1994)
SPFSmartPlant Foundation (Intergraph)
SPFSystem Programming Facility
SPFSouthern Partners Fund (Atlanta, GA; philanthropy)
SPFSpace Power Facility (NASA)
SPFSenior Public Figure (Citibank)
SPFStile Project Forum
SPFSoftware Production Facility (NASA)
SPFSlide Presentation File (EnerGraphics file extension)
SPFSwiss Peace Foundation
SPFSpanish Por Favor (Think Abroad)
SPFStandard Parasitic Format
SPFSold Pending Funds
SPFSubscriber Plant Factor
SPFSodium Process Facility
SPFSpecial Programs File
SPFSynthetic Phase Fraction
SPFSpecial Purpose Force
SPFSecurity Police Flight
SPFSignal Processing Facility
SPFStrategic Projection Force
SPFSIDPERS Personnel File
SPFScience Policy Foundation (United Kingdom)
SPFSensor Fusion Post
SPFShipper Paid Forwarding (US Postal Service program for payments)
SPFS&P Food Industries (Malaysia)
SPFStealthy Packet Filter (Firewall)
SPFStair Pressurization Fan (mechanical services)
SPFSite Population Factor
SPFSpecialist Portfolio (New York Stock Exchange)
SPFSpecialist, Fire Fighter (US Navy)
SPFScientific Primates Filipinas, Inc
SPFSpecial Performance File
SPFSignal on Protection Fiber
SPFSpecial Function Memory
SPFSingle Point of Filing
SPFSpare Parts File
SPFStandard Plume Flowfield code
SPFSingle Project Funded
SPFSabaragamu Peoples' Foundation (Sri Lanka)


  • noun

Synonyms for SPF

noun the degree to which a sunscreen protects the skin from the direct rays of the sun


  • sun protection factor

Related Words

  • degree
  • level
  • grade




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