synthetic textile fibers
synthetic textile fibers
have revolutionized the textile industry. Such artificial fibers are usually long-chain polymerspolymer, chemical compound with high molecular weight consisting of a number of structural units linked together by covalent bonds (see chemical bond). The simple molecules that may become structural units are themselves called monomers; two monomers combine to form a dimer,
..... Click the link for more information. , produced industrially by the condensation of many small units. OrlonOrlon,
trademark for an acrylic fiber available in filaments (long single strands) or staples (bundles of short fibers). Orlon is resistant to sunlight and atmospheric gases, which makes it ideal for awnings and other outdoor uses.
..... Click the link for more information. is the trade name for a polyacrylonitrile fiber made from natural gas, oxygen, and nitrogen. It combines bulk with light weight and is resistant to acids and sun damage. It is used for sweaters and other clothing. DacronDacron
, trademark for a polyester fiber. Dacron is a condensation polymer obtained from ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. Its properties include high tensile strength, high resistance to stretching, both wet and dry, and good resistance to degradation by chemical bleaches
..... Click the link for more information. is the trade name for a polyester fiber of great strength and wrinkle resistance. It is often blended with other fabrics. Vinyl fibers, such as Saran, are used for screening and heavy-duty upholstery. See also fiberglassfiberglass,
thread made from glass. It is made by forcing molten glass through a kind of sieve, thereby spinning it into threads. Fiberglass is strong, durable, and impervious to many caustics and to extreme temperatures.
..... Click the link for more information. ; nylonnylon,
synthetic thermoplastic material characterized by strength, elasticity, resistance to abrasion and chemicals, low moisture absorbency, and capacity to be permanently set by heat. After 10 years of research E. I.
..... Click the link for more information. ; rayonrayon,
synthetic fibers made from cellulose or textiles woven from such fibers; more rayon is manufactured than any other synthetic fiber. The name was adopted (1924), in preference to "artificial silk," by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce and various commercial associations.
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