Acronym | Definition |
AFLA➣Armed Forces Legal Assistance |
AFLA➣Adolescent Family Life Act |
AFLA➣Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association |
AFLA➣Africa Legal Aid |
AFLA➣Association Française de Linguistique Appliquée (French: French Association for Applied Linguistics) |
AFLA➣Amateur Fencers League of America |
AFLA➣Artists for Local Agriculture (Utah) |
AFLA➣Architectural Foundation of Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA) |
AFLA➣Alaskans for Language Acquisition |
AFLA➣Automotive Fleet and Leasing Association |
AFLA➣American Foreign Law Association, Inc. |
AFLA➣Alaska Family Leave Act |
AFLA➣Association For Legal Americans (blog) |
AFLA➣American Family Life Assurance Company |
AFLA➣Association of Finnish Local Authorities (Finland) |
AFLA➣Arab Front for the Liberation of Al-Ahwaz |
AFLA➣American Fleet Leasing Association |
AFLA➣Alaska Foreign Language Association |
AFLA➣Asian Federation of Library Associations |
AFLA➣A Four Letter Acronym |
AFLA➣Allegheny Foreign Language Association |
AFLA➣Access & Fairness Leadership Academy (State Bar of California) |
AFLA➣Air Force Landscape Architecture |
AFLA➣Air Force of the Liberation Army (Laos) |
AFLA➣Another Four Letter Acronym |
AFLA➣American and Foreign Law Association |
AFLA➣Association Famille Levesque et Alliés (France) |