AFLAArmed Forces Legal Assistance
AFLAAdolescent Family Life Act
AFLAAustronesian Formal Linguistics Association
AFLAAfrica Legal Aid
AFLAAssociation Française de Linguistique Appliquée (French: French Association for Applied Linguistics)
AFLAAmateur Fencers League of America
AFLAArtists for Local Agriculture (Utah)
AFLAArchitectural Foundation of Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA)
AFLAAlaskans for Language Acquisition
AFLAAutomotive Fleet and Leasing Association
AFLAAmerican Foreign Law Association, Inc.
AFLAAlaska Family Leave Act
AFLAAssociation For Legal Americans (blog)
AFLAAmerican Family Life Assurance Company
AFLAAssociation of Finnish Local Authorities (Finland)
AFLAArab Front for the Liberation of Al-Ahwaz
AFLAAmerican Fleet Leasing Association
AFLAAlaska Foreign Language Association
AFLAAsian Federation of Library Associations
AFLAA Four Letter Acronym
AFLAAllegheny Foreign Language Association
AFLAAccess & Fairness Leadership Academy (State Bar of California)
AFLAAir Force Landscape Architecture
AFLAAir Force of the Liberation Army (Laos)
AFLAAnother Four Letter Acronym
AFLAAmerican and Foreign Law Association
AFLAAssociation Famille Levesque et Alliés (France)