sphenoidal angle of parietal bone

sphe·noi·dal an·gle of pa·ri·e·tal bone

[TA] the anterior inferior angle of the parietal bone. Synonym(s): angulus sphenoidalis ossis parietalis [TA], sphenoid angle (2) , sphenoidal angle, Welcker angle

sphe·noi·dal an·gle of pa·ri·e·tal bone

(sfē-noyd'ăl ang'gĕl pă-rī'ĕ-tăl bōn) [TA] The anterior inferior angle of the parietal bone.


Hermann, German anthropologist and anatomist, 1822-1898. Welcker angle - the anterior inferior angle of the parietal bone. Synonym(s): sphenoidal angle of parietal bone

sphe·noi·dal an·gle of pa·ri·e·tal bone

(sfē-noyd'ăl ang'gĕl pă-rī'ĕ-tăl bōn) [TA] The anterior inferior angle of the parietal bone.
Synonym(s): angulus sphenoidalis ossis parietalis.