SCRFSupreme Court of the Russian Federation
SCRFSharjah Children Reading Festival (United Arab Emirates)
SCRFSelf-Consistent Reaction Field
SCRFSpinal Cord Research Foundation (Paralyzed Veterans of America)
SCRFSouth Carolina Central Railroad
SCRFSuperconducting Radio Frequency
SCRFStanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting
SCRFSecurity Council of the Russian Federation
SCRFScripps Clinic and Research Foundation
SCRFStem Cell Research Foundation
SCRFSouthern California Reformed Fellowship
SCRFSpecial Capital Reserve Fund
SCRFSmall Congregations Resource Fund (UAHC)
SCRFService Cancellation Request Form
SCRFSutter Creek Ragtime Festival
SCRFSmall Craft Repair Facility (US Navy)
SCRFState Commission on Radio Frequencies (Turkmenistan)
SCRFSouth Coast Radio Flyers
SCRFShortwave Cloud Radiative Forcing
SCRFSociety of the Russian-Chechen Friendship
SCRFSouth Carolina Reinsurance Facility
SCRFSonoman-Coronan Revolutionary Front (National Training Center force)
SCRFSocial Competency Rating Form
SCRFSoftware Change Request Form
SCRFSkin Conductance Response Frequency
SCRFSchroder Credit Renaissance Fund
SCRFSAN Configuration Readiness Form (Dell)
SCRFStudent Controlled Reserve Fund
SCRFSchool Construction Revolving Fund
SCRFSingapore Chinese Rock Fest
SCRFState’s Capital Reserve Fund
SCRFSymmetric Coupled-Resonator Filter
SCRFStandard Caching Riddle Formular (geocaching)
SCRFSchool Construction and Renovation Fund
SCRFShip Class Replacement Factor
SCRFShark Conservation and Research Foundation
SCRFStoner Chiropractic Research Foundation