Acronym | Definition |
SCRF➣Supreme Court of the Russian Federation |
SCRF➣Sharjah Children Reading Festival (United Arab Emirates) |
SCRF➣Self-Consistent Reaction Field |
SCRF➣Spinal Cord Research Foundation (Paralyzed Veterans of America) |
SCRF➣South Carolina Central Railroad |
SCRF➣Superconducting Radio Frequency |
SCRF➣Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting |
SCRF➣Security Council of the Russian Federation |
SCRF➣Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation |
SCRF➣Stem Cell Research Foundation |
SCRF➣Southern California Reformed Fellowship |
SCRF➣Special Capital Reserve Fund |
SCRF➣Small Congregations Resource Fund (UAHC) |
SCRF➣Service Cancellation Request Form |
SCRF➣Sutter Creek Ragtime Festival |
SCRF➣Small Craft Repair Facility (US Navy) |
SCRF➣State Commission on Radio Frequencies (Turkmenistan) |
SCRF➣South Coast Radio Flyers |
SCRF➣Shortwave Cloud Radiative Forcing |
SCRF➣Society of the Russian-Chechen Friendship |
SCRF➣South Carolina Reinsurance Facility |
SCRF➣Sonoman-Coronan Revolutionary Front (National Training Center force) |
SCRF➣Social Competency Rating Form |
SCRF➣Software Change Request Form |
SCRF➣Skin Conductance Response Frequency |
SCRF➣Schroder Credit Renaissance Fund |
SCRF➣SAN Configuration Readiness Form (Dell) |
SCRF➣Student Controlled Reserve Fund |
SCRF➣School Construction Revolving Fund |
SCRF➣Singapore Chinese Rock Fest |
SCRF➣State’s Capital Reserve Fund |
SCRF➣Symmetric Coupled-Resonator Filter |
SCRF➣Standard Caching Riddle Formular (geocaching) |
SCRF➣School Construction and Renovation Fund |
SCRF➣Ship Class Replacement Factor |
SCRF➣Shark Conservation and Research Foundation |
SCRF➣Stoner Chiropractic Research Foundation |