Riedel struma

Rie·del thy·roi·di·tis

(rē'del), a rare fibrous induration of the thyroid gland, with adhesion to adjacent structures, which may cause tracheal compression. Synonym(s): chronic fibrous thyroiditis, ligneous struma, ligneous thyroiditis, Riedel disease, Riedel struma

Riedel struma

A form of chronic thyroiditis in which the gland becomes enlarged, hard, and adherent to adjacent tissues. The follicles become atrophic and fibrosis occurs. Synonym: cast iron strumaSee also: Riedel, Bernhard M. K. L.


Bernhard M.C.L., German surgeon, 1846-1916. Riedel disease - Synonym(s): Riedel thyroiditisRiedel frontal ethmoidectomyRiedel lobe - tonguelike process extending downward from the right lobe of the liver lateral to the gallbladder. Synonym(s): lobus appendicularis; lobus linguiformisRiedel struma - Synonym(s): Riedel thyroiditisRiedel syndrome - Synonym(s): Riedel thyroiditisRiedel thyroiditis - a rare fibrous induration of the thyroid, with adhesion to adjacent structures, which may cause tracheal compression. Synonym(s): chronic fibrous thyroiditis; ligneous struma; ligneous thyroiditis; Riedel disease; Riedel struma; Riedel syndrome