Rieder cells

Rie·der cells

(rē'dĕr), abnormal myeloblasts (12-20 mcm in diameter) in which the nucleus may be widely and deeply indented (that is, suggestive of lobulation), or may actually be a bilobate or multilobate structure; such cells are frequently observed in acute leukemia, and probably represent a more rapid maturation of the nucleus than that of the cytoplasm.

Rie·der cells

(rē'der selz) Abnormal myeloblasts in which the nucleus may be widely and deeply indented or may actually be a bilobate or multilobate structure; frequently observed in acute leukemia.


Hermann, German pathologist, 1858-1932. Rieder cell leukemia - a form of acute granulocytic leukemia.Rieder cells - abnormal myeloblasts frequently observed in acute leukemia.Rieder lymphocyte - an abnormal form of lymphocyte with a greatly indented nucleus, usually observed in certain examples of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.