Scribner shunt

Scrib·ner shunt

(skrib'nĕr), connection of an artery, customarily the radial, to the cephalic vein through a short extracorporeal catheter.

Scribner shunt

S04-844120 (skrĭb′nĕr) [Belding Scribner, U.S. physician, 1921–2003] A tube, usually made of synthetic material, used to connect an artery to a vein. It is used in patients requiring frequent venipuncture as in hemodialysis. The shunts may develop complications such as infection, thrombosis, and release of septic emboli.


Belding H., U.S. nephrologist, 1921–. Quinton-Scribner shunt - see under QuintonScribner shunt - connection of an artery to the cephalic vein via a short extracorporeal catheter.