

单词 scrimp



S0170700 (skrĭmp)intr.v. scrimped, scrimp·ing, scrimps To be very frugal and sparing. scrimped and saved for college tuition.
[Perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish skrympa, to shrink.]
scrimp′er n.scrimp′y adj.




vb1. (when: intr, sometimes foll by on) to be very economical or sparing in the use (of) (esp in the phrase scrimp and save)2. (tr) to treat meanly: he is scrimping his children. 3. (tr) to cut too smalladj a less common word for scant[C18: Scottish, origin unknown] ˈscrimpy adj ˈscrimpily adv ˈscrimpiness n



v.i. 1. to be sparing or frugal; economize. v.t. 2. to limit severely. 3. to provide sparingly for. [1710–20; < Scandinavian]


Past participle: scrimped
Gerund: scrimping
I scrimp
you scrimp
he/she/it scrimps
we scrimp
you scrimp
they scrimp
I scrimped
you scrimped
he/she/it scrimped
we scrimped
you scrimped
they scrimped
Present Continuous
I am scrimping
you are scrimping
he/she/it is scrimping
we are scrimping
you are scrimping
they are scrimping
Present Perfect
I have scrimped
you have scrimped
he/she/it has scrimped
we have scrimped
you have scrimped
they have scrimped
Past Continuous
I was scrimping
you were scrimping
he/she/it was scrimping
we were scrimping
you were scrimping
they were scrimping
Past Perfect
I had scrimped
you had scrimped
he/she/it had scrimped
we had scrimped
you had scrimped
they had scrimped
I will scrimp
you will scrimp
he/she/it will scrimp
we will scrimp
you will scrimp
they will scrimp
Future Perfect
I will have scrimped
you will have scrimped
he/she/it will have scrimped
we will have scrimped
you will have scrimped
they will have scrimped
Future Continuous
I will be scrimping
you will be scrimping
he/she/it will be scrimping
we will be scrimping
you will be scrimping
they will be scrimping
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been scrimping
you have been scrimping
he/she/it has been scrimping
we have been scrimping
you have been scrimping
they have been scrimping
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been scrimping
you will have been scrimping
he/she/it will have been scrimping
we will have been scrimping
you will have been scrimping
they will have been scrimping
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been scrimping
you had been scrimping
he/she/it had been scrimping
we had been scrimping
you had been scrimping
they had been scrimping
I would scrimp
you would scrimp
he/she/it would scrimp
we would scrimp
you would scrimp
they would scrimp
Past Conditional
I would have scrimped
you would have scrimped
he/she/it would have scrimped
we would have scrimped
you would have scrimped
they would have scrimped
Verb1.scrimp - subsist on a meager allowance; "scratch and scrimp"stint, skimpsave - spend less; buy at a reduced price


verb (often with on) economize, save, scrape, limit, reduce, pinch, stint, shorten, curtail, skimp, be frugal, pinch pennies, tighten your belt, straiten She has to scrimp and save to clothe her son.


verbTo be severely sparing in order to economize:pinch, scrape, skimp, stint.Idioms: pinch pennies, tighten (one's) belt.


(skrimp) : scrimp and save to be mean or very careful with money. She scrimps and saves for her sons' education. 縮衣節食,精打細算 节省或精打细算


scrimp and save

To spend as little money as possible; to be especially frugal, especially with the aim of saving up for something bigger. Ever since we had our second child, we've had to scrimp and save to make sure they both get what they want for Christmas.See also: and, save, scrimp

scrimp on (something)

To choose to consume or spend on something very sparingly or frugally as a way of conserving one's money or resources. I got so used to scrimping on food when I was broke so that I could afford my rent. Now that I have a decent salary, it's hard not to have the same mentality. We cut corners where we had to so that we could afford the wedding we wanted, but we made sure not to scrimp on a good photographer!See also: on, scrimp

scrimp and save

 and pinch and scrapeto be very thrifty; to live on very little money, often in order to save up for something. We had to scrimp and save in order to send the children to college. The Smiths pinched and scraped all year in order to go on a Caribbean cruise.See also: and, save, scrimp

scrimp on something

to try to economize on the use of something; to fail to use enough of something. Please don't scrimp on the quality of the food. There is enough money. You don't have to scrimp on anything.See also: on, scrimp

scrimp and save

Economize severely, spend as little as possible, as in For years we had to scrimp and save, but now we can enjoy life more. [Mid-1800s] See also: and, save, scrimp

scrimp on

v. To consume something sparingly in order to conserve it, or be frugal when buying something in order to save money: When my salary was cut, I had to scrimp on food in order to pay my rent.See also: on, scrimp


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  • verb

Synonyms for scrimp

verb economize


  • economize
  • save
  • scrape
  • limit
  • reduce
  • pinch
  • stint
  • shorten
  • curtail
  • skimp
  • be frugal
  • pinch pennies
  • tighten your belt
  • straiten

Synonyms for scrimp

verb to be severely sparing in order to economize


  • pinch
  • scrape
  • skimp
  • stint

Synonyms for scrimp

verb subsist on a meager allowance


  • stint
  • skimp

Related Words

  • save




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