spherocytic anemia

he·red·i·tar·y spher·o·cy·to·sis

(hĕr-ed'i-tar-ē sfēr'ō-sī-tō'sis) A congenital defect of spectrin, the main component of the erythrocytecell membrane, which becomes abnormally permeable to sodium, resulting in thickened and almost spheric erythrocytes that are fragile and susceptible to spontaneous hemolysis, with decreased survival in the circulation; results in chronic anemia with reticulocytosis, episodes of mild jaundice due to hemolysis, and acute crises with gallstones, fever, and abdominal pain.
Synonym(s): familial jaundice, spherocytic anemia.

he·red·i·tar·y spher·o·cy·to·sis

(hĕr-ed'i-tar-ē sfēr'ō-sī-tō'sis) [MIM*182900] Congenital defect of spectrin, the main component of the erythrocyte cell membrane; results in chronic anemia with reticulocytosis, episodes of mild jaundice due to hemolysis, and acute crises with gallstones, fever, and abdominal pain.
Synonym(s): chronic familial icterus, chronic familial jaundice.