

单词 striker



S0809400 (strī′kər)n.1. One who strikes, as an employee on strike against an employer.2. One that strikes, as the clapper in a bell or the firing pin in a gun.3. a. A harpoon.b. One who uses a harpoon; a harpooner.4. An enlisted person in usually intensive training for a naval technical rating.5. Sports A forward on a soccer team.


(ˈstraɪkə) n1. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) a person who is on strike2. (Horology) the hammer in a timepiece that rings a bell or alarm3. (General Engineering) any part in a mechanical device that strikes something, such as the firing pin of a gun4. (Soccer) soccer informal an attacking player, esp one who generally positions himself or herself near the opponent's goal in the hope of scoring5. (Cricket) cricket the batsman who is about to play a ball6. (Fishing) a. a person who harpoons whales or fishb. the harpoon itself


(ˈstraɪ kər)

n. 1. a person or thing that strikes. 2. a worker who is on strike. 3. the clapper in a clock that strikes the hours or rings an alarm. 4. a naval enlisted person working toward a technical rating. 5. an attacking forward in soccer. [1350–1400]


1. Batsman standing at the far end from the bowler and receiving the ball from him.2. An offensive player who normally stays forward in an attempt to score goals.
Noun1.striker - a forward on a soccer teamstriker - a forward on a soccer team athlete, jock - a person trained to compete in sports
2.striker - someone receiving intensive training for a naval technical ratingarmed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"bluejacket, navy man, sailor boy, sailor - a serviceman in the navy
3.striker - an employee on strike against an employernonworker - a person who does nothing
4.striker - someone who hits; "a hard hitter"; "a fine striker of the ball"; "blacksmiths are good hitters"hittermover - someone who movesslapper, spanker - a hitter who slaps (usually another person) with an open hand; "someone slapped me on the back and I turned to see who the slapper was"; "my father was the designated spanker in our family"walloper - a very hard hitter
5.striker - the part of a mechanical device that strikes somethingclapper, tongue - metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the sidefiring pin - striker that ignites the charge by striking the primerhammer - a striker that is covered in felt and that causes the piano strings to vibratehammer, cock - the part of a gunlock that strikes the percussion cap when the trigger is pulledhead - the striking part of a tool; "the head of the hammer"mechanical device - mechanism consisting of a device that works on mechanical principles


(straik) past tense struck (strak) : past participles struck ~stricken (ˈstrikən) verb1. to hit, knock or give a blow to. He struck me in the face with his fist; Why did you strike him?; The stone struck me a blow on the side of the head; His head struck the table as he fell; The tower of the church was struck by lightning. 打,撞 打,撞 2. to attack. The enemy troops struck at dawn; We must prevent the disease striking again. 攻擊 攻击3. to produce (sparks or a flame) by rubbing. He struck a match/light; He struck sparks from the stone with his knife. 擦(出),打(出) 擦(出),打(出) 4. (of workers) to stop work as a protest, or in order to force employers to give better pay. The men decided to strike for higher wages. 罷工 罢工5. to discover or find. After months of prospecting they finally struck gold/oil; If we walk in this direction we may strike the right path. 發現 发现6. to (make something) sound. He struck a note on the piano/violin; The clock struck twelve. 彈奏,敲擊 弹奏,敲击 7. to impress, or give a particular impression to (a person). I was struck by the resemblance between the two men; How does the plan strike you?; It / The thought struck me that she had come to borrow money. 給...印象 给...印象8. to mint or manufacture (a coin, medal etc). 鑄(造) 铸(造) 9. to go in a certain direction. He left the path and struck (off) across the fields. 取道... 取道...10. to lower or take down (tents, flags etc). 降下 降下 noun1. an act of striking. a miners' strike. 罷工 罢工2. a discovery of oil, gold etc. He made a lucky strike. 發現(礦藏) 发现(矿藏) ˈstriker noun1. a worker who strikes. 罷工(罷課等)者 罢工(罢课等)者 2. in football, a forward player. 前鋒 前锋ˈstriking adjective noticeable or impressive. She is tall and striking; She wears striking clothes. 引人注目的 引人注目的ˈstrikingly adverb 顯著地 显著地be (out) on strike (of workers) to be striking. The electricity workers are (out) on strike. (正在)罷工 (正在)罢工 call a strike (of a trade union leader etc) to ask workers to strike. 號召(工人)罷工 号召(工人)罢工 come out on strike (of workers) to strike. 舉行罷工 举行罢工come/be within striking distance of to come very close to. 非常接近於... 非常接近于...strike at to attempt to strike, or aim a blow at (a person etc). He struck at the dog with his stick.strike an attitude / a pose to place oneself in a particular usually rather showy pose. 裝腔作勢 装腔作势strike a balance to reach a satisfactory middle level of compromise between two undesirable extremes. 在兩不利之間取得平衡 在两不利之间取得平衡strike a bargain/agreement to make a bargain; to reach an agreement. 成交 成交strike a blow for to make an effort on behalf of (a cause etc). 為...努力做... 为...努力做...strike down to hit or knock (a person) down. He was struck down by a car / a terrible disease. 被撞(病)倒 被撞(病)倒 strike dumb to amaze. I was struck dumb at the news. 驚訝到愣住 惊呆strike fear/terror etc into to fill (a person) with fear etc. The sound struck terror into them. 感到害怕 感到害怕strike home (of a blow, insult etc) to reach the place where it will hurt most. 擊中要害 击中要害strike it rich to make a lot of money. 發橫財 发横财strike lucky to have good luck in a particular matter. 走運 走运strike out1. to erase or cross out (a word etc). He read the essay and struck out a word here and there. (用橡皮擦)擦掉 勾(划)掉 2. to start fighting. He's a man who strikes out with his fists whenever he's angry. 揮拳打擊 挥拳打击strike up1. to begin to play a tune etc. The band struck up (with) `The Red Flag'. 開始演奏 开始演奏2. to begin (a friendship, conversation etc). He struck up an acquaintance with a girl on the train. 開始(結交,談話) 开始(结交,谈话)





1. any part in a mechanical device that strikes something, such as the firing pin of a gun 2. Soccer informal an attacking player, esp one who generally positions himself near his opponent's goal in the hope of scoring 3. Cricket the batsman who is about to play a ball 4. a. a person who harpoons whales or fish b. the harpoon itself


[‚strī·kər] (ordnance) A firing pin or a projection on the hammer of a firearm, which strikes the primer to initiate a propelling charge explosive train or a fuse explosive train.


A slightly beveled metal plate, set in the jamb of a door to receive and guide a door latch to its socket in closing.


Related to striker: Stryker
  • noun

Synonyms for striker

noun a forward on a soccer team

Related Words

  • athlete
  • jock

noun someone receiving intensive training for a naval technical rating

Related Words

  • armed forces
  • armed services
  • military
  • military machine
  • war machine
  • bluejacket
  • navy man
  • sailor boy
  • sailor

noun an employee on strike against an employer

Related Words

  • nonworker

noun someone who hits


  • hitter

Related Words

  • mover
  • slapper
  • spanker
  • walloper

noun the part of a mechanical device that strikes something

Related Words

  • clapper
  • tongue
  • firing pin
  • hammer
  • cock
  • head
  • mechanical device




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