sinuatrial node

sin·u·a·tri·al node

[TA] the mass of specialized cardiac muscle fibers that normally acts as the "pacemaker" of the cardiac conduction system; it lies under the epicardium at the upper end of the sulcus terminalis. Synonym(s): nodus sinuatrialis [TA], atrionector, Flack node, Keith and Flack node, Keith node, Koch node, sinoatrial node, sinus node

sin·u·a·tri·al node

, sinoatrial node (sin'yū-ā'trē-ăl nōd, sī'nō-) [TA] The mass of specialized cardiac muscle fibers that normally acts as the "pacemaker" of the cardiac conduction system; it lies under the epicardium at the upper end of the sulcus terminalis.


Sir Arthur, Scottish anatomist, 1866-1955. Keith bundle - modified cardiac muscle fibers. Synonym(s): atrioventricular bundleKeith and Flack node - the mass of specialized cardiac muscle fibers that normally acts as the pacemaker of the cardiac conduction system. Synonym(s): Flack node; Keith node; sinuatrial nodeKeith node - Synonym(s): Keith and Flack node


Walter, German surgeon, 1880–. Koch node - the mass of specialized cardiac muscle fibers that normally acts as the "pacemaker" of the cardiac conduction system. Synonym(s): sinuatrial nodeKoch triangle - a triangular area of the wall of the right atrium of the heart that marks the situation of the atrioventricular node.

sin·u·a·tri·al node

, sinoatrial node (sin'yū-ā'trē-ăl nōd, sī'nō-) [TA] The mass of specialized cardiac muscle fibers that normally acts as the "pacemaker" of the cardiac conduction system; it lies under the epicardium at the upper end of the sulcus terminalis.