atypical Citrobacter

atypical Citrobacter

An older term for any of a number of Citrobacter and Citrobacter-like species which have a relatively distinct pattern of antibiotic susceptibility:
(1) Budvicia aquatica; 
(2) Citrobacter diversus;
(3) Citrobacter koseri;
(4) Enterobacter asburiae;
(5) Levinea malonatica.
Atypical Citrobacter 
• Resistant to—Ampicillin, amoxycilin, and carbenicillin; produce beta-lac-tamase.
• Sensitive to—Chloramphenicol, kanamycin, gentamicin, polymyxin B, nitrofurantoin.
• Most sensitive to—Tetracycline and nalidixic acid.