

单词 right gastric vein

right gastric vein

Noun1.right gastric vein - receives veins from the upper surfaces of the stomach and empties into the portal veinpyloric vein, vena gastrica-dextragastric vein, vena gastrica - one of several veins draining the stomach walls

right gastric vein

right gas·tric vein

[TA] it receives veins from both surfaces of the upper portion of the stomach, runs to the right along the lesser curvature of the stomach, and empties into the portal vein. Synonym(s): vena gastrica dextra [TA], pyloric vein

right gas·tric vein

(rīt gas'trik vān) [TA] It receives veins from both surfaces of the upper portion of the stomach, runs to the right along the lesser curvature of the stomach, and empties into the portal vein.
Synonym(s): pyloric vein.

right gastric vein

Related to right gastric vein: left gastric vein, short gastric vein, Right gastroepiploic vein
  • noun

Synonyms for right gastric vein

noun receives veins from the upper surfaces of the stomach and empties into the portal vein


  • pyloric vein
  • vena gastrica-dextra

Related Words

  • gastric vein
  • vena gastrica




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