Quarantine Checkpoint

Quarantine Checkpoint


an establishment designated for medical-sanitary and antiepidemic protection of organized groups of the civilian population and of military contingents. They are established at railroad stations and ports.

A quarantine checkpoint consists of premises for receiving patients, a sanitary prophylactic establishment with disinfecting rooms, a laundry section, an isolation ward for patients with infectious diseases and suspected carriers, a laboratory, a pharmacy, and a kitchen with auxiliary premises. The territory of a quarantine checkpoint must be isolated from dwellings, industrial enterprises, and work premises; it must have vehicular access (railroads, highways, or dirt roads), water supply, sewers, and illumination. The tasks of a quarantine checkpoint are discovery of sick persons or those suspected of infectious disease; medical processing of groups of people; disinfection and disinfestation of under and outer apparel; disinfection, disinfestation, and rodent extermination on means of transport; treatment of patients; discovery of persons who have been in contact with sick people and placing them under medical observation; and organization of immunization and other measures of emergency prophylaxis.