

单词 sip



S0433000 (sĭp)v. sipped, sip·ping, sips v.tr.1. To drink in small quantities.2. To drink from in sips.v.intr. To drink something in sips.n.1. The act of sipping.2. A small quantity of liquid sipped.
[Middle English sippen; see seuə- in Indo-European roots.]
sip′per n.


(sɪp) vb, sips, sipping or sippedto drink (a liquid) by taking small mouthfuls; drink gingerly or delicatelyn1. a small quantity of a liquid taken into the mouth and swallowed2. an act of sipping[C14: probably from Low German sippen] ˈsipper n



v. sipped, sip•ping,
n. v.t. 1. to drink (a liquid) a little at a time; take small tastes of. 2. to drink from a little at a time. v.i. 3. to drink by sips. n. 4. an act or instance of sipping; a small taste of a liquid. 5. a small quantity taken by sipping. [1350–1400; Middle English (v.), akin to Low German sippen to sip] sip′per, n. syn: See drink.


  • delibation - A taste or sip.
  • sip - Probably a modification of sup.
  • tiff - Weak or diluted liquor; to tiff is to drink liquor slowly or sip it.
  • dibble - "To drink like a duck," lifting up the head after each sip.


Past participle: sipped
Gerund: sipping
I sip
you sip
he/she/it sips
we sip
you sip
they sip
I sipped
you sipped
he/she/it sipped
we sipped
you sipped
they sipped
Present Continuous
I am sipping
you are sipping
he/she/it is sipping
we are sipping
you are sipping
they are sipping
Present Perfect
I have sipped
you have sipped
he/she/it has sipped
we have sipped
you have sipped
they have sipped
Past Continuous
I was sipping
you were sipping
he/she/it was sipping
we were sipping
you were sipping
they were sipping
Past Perfect
I had sipped
you had sipped
he/she/it had sipped
we had sipped
you had sipped
they had sipped
I will sip
you will sip
he/she/it will sip
we will sip
you will sip
they will sip
Future Perfect
I will have sipped
you will have sipped
he/she/it will have sipped
we will have sipped
you will have sipped
they will have sipped
Future Continuous
I will be sipping
you will be sipping
he/she/it will be sipping
we will be sipping
you will be sipping
they will be sipping
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been sipping
you have been sipping
he/she/it has been sipping
we have been sipping
you have been sipping
they have been sipping
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been sipping
you will have been sipping
he/she/it will have been sipping
we will have been sipping
you will have been sipping
they will have been sipping
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been sipping
you had been sipping
he/she/it had been sipping
we had been sipping
you had been sipping
they had been sipping
I would sip
you would sip
he/she/it would sip
we would sip
you would sip
they would sip
Past Conditional
I would have sipped
you would have sipped
he/she/it would have sipped
we would have sipped
you would have sipped
they would have sipped
Noun1.sip - a small drinkdeglutition, swallow, drink - the act of swallowing; "one swallow of the liquid was enough"; "he took a drink of his beer and smacked his lips"
Verb1.sip - drink in sips; "She was sipping her tea"drink, imbibe - take in liquids; "The patient must drink several liters each day"; "The children like to drink soda"


verb1. drink, taste, sample, sup Jessica sipped her drink thoughtfully.noun1. swallow, mouthful, swig, drop, taste, slurp, thimbleful Harry took a sip of Bourbon.


verbTo take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid):drink, imbibe, pull on, quaff, sup.Informal: swig, toss down (or off).Slang: belt.Idiom: wet one's whistle.noun1. An act of drinking or the amount swallowed:draft, drink, potation, pull, quaff, sup, swill.Informal: swig.Slang: belt.2. A small amount of liquor:dram, drop, jigger, shot, tot.Informal: nip, slug.Slang: snort.


(sip) past tense, past participle sipped verb to drink in very small mouthfuls. 啜飲 啜饮,抿 noun a very small mouthful. She took a sip of the medicine. 啜一口 呷一口,抿一口


sip on (something)

To take small sips of a drink over a period of time. My favorite thing to do is watch the sun come up while I sip on my first coffee of the day. It amazes me how people can sip on their drinks. I can't help myself from guzzling them down!See also: on, sip

sip at (something)

To take small sips of a drink over a period of time. My favorite thing to do is watch the sun come up while I sip at my first coffee of the day. It always makes me self-conscious when someone I'm out with sips at one or two drink throughout the whole evening while I'm getting a fresh pint every half hour.See also: sip

sip at

or sip onv. To drink from some beverage in small amounts at a time: The skier sipped at the hot coffee at the lodge. She was sipping on a cocktail at the bar.See also: sip


1. n. a puff of a marijuana cigarette. (Drugs.) He took a big sip and held it so long he almost turned blue. 2. tv. & in. to take a puff of a marijuana cigarette. The alley was populated by a bunch of teeny-boppers sipping away the afternoon.



[sip] (electronics) single in-line package


(protocol)Session Initiation Protocol.


(text, standard)Supplementary Ideographic Plane.


(1) See system in package, single in-line package and System Integrity Protection.

(2) (Software Isolated Process) See singularity.

(3) (SMDS Interface Protocol) See SMDS.

(4) (Software Integration Platform) A common format and interface for geographic data in the petroleum industry.

(5) (Session Initiation Protocol) An IP telephony signaling protocol that is widely used to start and terminate voice calls over the Internet (see VoIP). Supporting two-way and multi-party calls, SIP can be used for any real-time media transmission over an IP network, including video calling and conferencing. It is also used for instant messaging (see SIMPLE) and multiplayer gaming.

SIP is a text-based application protocol that supports integrated voice and data such as click-to-chat on a website. Less complex and more efficient than the ITU's telephony protocol (see H.323), SIP addresses are like email; for example: sip:john.doe@mycompany.com.

SIP Alphabet Soup
Based on HTTP and MIME, SIP relies on the session description protocol (SDP) for session description and the Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP) for transport. Windows XP was the first version of Windows to natively support SIP for PC-based phones, and all modern PBXs handle SIP trunks. See HTTP, MIME, RIP, SDP, SIP provider, SIP ALG and SIP proxy.



A gene on chromosome 11q13.2 that encodes a coactivating protein that may function as a nuclear receptor coactivator, enhancing transcription through other coactivators (e.g., NCOA6 and CITED1) or as a transcriptional repressor, depending on the expressed isoform.


PIT-000780 (sĭp) [ME. sippen] 1. To take a small quantity of liquid or nourishment into the mouth.2. A small quantity of liquid, i.e., the amount that can be taken into the mouth with gentle suction.


SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SIPSingle Inline Package
SIPSavings Investment Plan
SIPSerial Interface Protocol
SIPSystem(s) Integration Plan
SIPSystem(s) Implementation Plan
SIPState Implementation Plan (EPA)
SIPStructural Insulated Panel (construction)
SIPSchool Improvement Plan
SIPSystematic Investment Plan (finance)
SIPSociedad Interamericana de Prensa (Spanish: Inter-American Press Association; Miami, FL)
SIPSpecial Interest Project (various organizations)
SIPSystem in a Package
SIPSystem Integrity Protection (security)
SIPSchool Improvement Partner (UK)
SIPSystem Informacji Przestrzennej (Polish: Spatial Information System)
SIPSpanish, Italian and Portuguese (various schools)
SIPShare Incentive Plan
SIPSummer Internship Program
SIPSecond Intermediate Period
SIPScience in Parliament (various locations)
SIPStay-In-Place (engineering construction)
SIPSystem Idle Process (computing)
SIPSoftware in Partnership (est. 2002)
SIPSuzhou Industrial Park (Suzhou, China)
SIPSoftware India Pvt. Ltd.
SIPStill in Progress
SIPSickness Impact Profile
SIPScsi Interlocked Protocol
SIPSpa Interface Processor
SIPSystem in Package
SIPSupplementary Input Panel
SIPSignal Image Processing
SIPSession Internet Protocol
SIPSystem Initialization Program
SIPSource Ip
SIPSpecial Interest Publication
SIPSerial Interface Processor
SIPSystem Idle Process
SIPSimple Ip
SIPSingle Inline Processor
SIPSignaling Point
SIPSwords into Plowshares
SIPScience Internship Program (University of California, Santa Cruz)
SIPSterilization in Place (drug/medicine production)
SIPSpanish Immersion Program (education)
SIPSoft Input Panel
SIPSteam in Place
SIPSilicon Intellectual Property
SIPSchool Improvement Partner (UK education)
SIPSurgical Infection Prevention
SIPSeat Index Point
SIPSPA Interface Processor (Cisco)
SIPSafety Improvement Plan (various organizations)
SIPStation Information Profile (radio)
SIPSMDS Interface Protocol
SIPShelter In Place
SIPSpecial Interest Publication (publishing)
SIPStrategic Investment Program (Australian government)
SIPSocial Integration and Participation (various organizations)
SIPSubmission Information Package
SIPSociety for Invertebrate Pathology (Knoxville, TN)
SIPSemiconductor Intellectual Property
SIPService Information Portal (software)
SIPSingle Inline Package (semiconductor industry)
SIPSimple Internet Protocol
SIPSocial Inclusion Partnership
SIPStochastic Integer Programming
SIPStable-Isotope Probing
SIPSystem Improvement Plan
SIPSocial Information Processing
SIPState Industrial Products
SIPService Improvement Program
SIPShelter Implementation Plan
SIPSignal Input Port
SIPSystem Improvement Program (SINCGARS)
SIPStrategic Implementation Planning (various organizations)
SIPSystem Improvement Program
SIPSignal/Image Processing
SIPSecure Internet Programming (Princeton University)
SIPStickler Involved People
SIPSabic Innovative Plastics
SIPScale Irrigation Project (various organizations)
SIPSchool Intervention Program (various schools)
SIPSocietà Italiana di Psichiatria
SIPSociedad Interamericana de Psicologia
SIPSustainable Industrial Production
SIPSeasonal to Interannual Prediction (World Meteorological Organization)
SIPSindicato de Industriales de Panama (Spanish: Panamanian Industrialists Society, Panama)
SIPStructured Investment Product
SIPSession Invitation Protocol (Internet conferencing, telephony)
SIPSchools Integration Project
SIPStrongly Implicit Procedure
SIPSoftware Installation Plan
SIPStudent Internship Programme
SIPStrategic Inflection Point
SIPSelf-Inspection Program
SIPStandard Interchange Protocol (3M delevolped data transfer protocol for library systems.)
SIPState Implementation Program
SIPSurf in Peace
SIPServer Interface Pod (Dell/Avocent)
SIPScientific Instrument Package (gaming)
SIPSales Incentive Plan
SIPSosyalist Iktidar Partisi (Party of Socialist Power; now Türkiye Komünist Partisi)
SIPSystem Implementation Plan
SIPStreamlined Inspection Program
SIPShut-In Pressure
SIPStatistical Inference Package (mathematics)
SIPStandard Inspection Procedure
SIPShareholder Investment Program (various companies)
SIPService Implementation Plan
SIPSimferopol, Ukraine - Simferopol (Airport Code)
SIPSector Investment Programmes
SIPSocietà Idroelettrica Piemonte
SIPShip In Place
SIPSerial Interface Processor (Cisco)
SIPStructural Integrity Program
SIPStandardization Instructor Pilot
SIPSooner If Possible (Similar to ASAP)
SIPSouthern Independence Party
SIPSpace Interferometry Mission
SIPSafer Internet Plan (various organizations)
SIPStructural Improvement Program (various organizations)
SIPStatistically Improbable Phrase (Amazon.com)
SIPSymbolic Input Program
SIPSpontaneous Intestinal Perforation (newborn condition)
SIPSite Implementation Plan
SIPSINCGARS Improvement Program
SIPSingle Integrated Picture
SIPStaff Inspection Program (US Army)
SIPSeparation Incentive Pay
SIPSystem Integration Plan
SIPSenior Inspector of Police
SIPStrain Isolation Pad
SIPSecurity Investment Program
SIPStandard Interface Panel
SIPSimulated Input Processor
SIPSCSI Interlock Protocol
SIPStatewide Implementation Program
SIPStay in Prayer
SIPSoftware Integration Plan
SIPSystem Initialization Table
SIPSupport Information Package (USAP)
SIPSociété Interaméricaine de La Presse (French: Inter American Press Society)
SIPSoul Influenced Product (nightclub in Geneva, Switzerland)
SIPSpecial Investigative Panel
SIPSprint Internet Passport
SIPSafety Implementation Plan
SIPStation Independence Program (PBS)
SIPSoft Intellectual Property (integrated circuit designs)
SIPSoftware Improvement Program
SIPSatellite Interceptor Program
SIPSegment Interface Protocol
SIPStationary Inflection Point
SIPSmart Installment Plan (Citibank, Pakistan)
SIPSemporna Islands Park (Malaysia)
SIPStation Information Packet
SIPStability Improvement Program
SIPScanner Interface Processor
SIPSystems Integration Panel
SIPSOGS Invocable Procedure
SIPStop Internet Plagiarism
SIPSystems Infrastructure Project
SIPStandard Initial Provisioning
SIPStochastic Information Packet
SIPStates Inventory Project
SIPScientific Investigations Plan
SIPSatellite Image Processor
SIPSelf-Igniting Phosphorus
SIPShield Isolation Point
SIPShuttle Interface Panel
SIPSACLANT Intelligence Plan
SIPShip Instrumentation Package (US Navy)
SIPSignal Inline Package
SIPSeniors Info Plus
SIPSMDC Interface Protocol
SIPSystem Implementation Posture (system documentation)
SIPSite Investigation Planning
SIPSynchronized Interleaved Polling (Sprint)
SIPStep Increase Program
SIPSite Information Processor
SIPSystems Intelligence Products Co., Ltd (Japan)
SIPSubstituent Interaction Parameter
SIPSmall Inverse Problem
SIPSubsystem Implementation Plan
SIPStatus Indicator Panel
SIPSystem/Ship Improvement Plan/Program
SIPSecurity Improvement Process
SIPSystems Integration and Protection
SIPSubmission Input Processing
SIPStandard Installation Plan
SIPStaging Initiation Package
SIPSpecial Intelligence Processing
SIPSinge Inline Pin


  • all
  • verb
  • noun

Synonyms for sip

verb drink


  • drink
  • taste
  • sample
  • sup

noun swallow


  • swallow
  • mouthful
  • swig
  • drop
  • taste
  • slurp
  • thimbleful

Synonyms for sip

verb to take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid)


  • drink
  • imbibe
  • pull on
  • quaff
  • sup
  • swig
  • toss down
  • belt

noun an act of drinking or the amount swallowed


  • draft
  • drink
  • potation
  • pull
  • quaff
  • sup
  • swill
  • swig
  • belt

noun a small amount of liquor


  • dram
  • drop
  • jigger
  • shot
  • tot
  • nip
  • slug
  • snort

Words related to sip

noun a small drink

Related Words

  • deglutition
  • swallow
  • drink

verb drink in sips

Related Words

  • drink
  • imbibe




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