Point Sur State Historic Park
Point Sur State Historic Park
Location:19 miles south of Carmel off Highway 1.
Facilities:Historic structures, restrooms.
Activities:Guided tours.
Special Features:Point Sur is the only complete turn-of-the century Lightstation open tothe public in California and is on the National Register of HistoricPlaces. First lit on August 1, 1889, the lighthouse has remained incontinuous operation. The Lightstation buildings are currently beingrestored to their turn-of-the-century appearance. The Lightstation isopen to the public only through docent-led tours (year round onweek-ends and seasonally on Wednesdays).
Address:c/o Monterey District Office
2211 Garden Rd
Monterey, CA 93940
Web: www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=565
Size: 92 acres.
See other parks in California.