Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet

Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet

(communications, protocol)(PPPoE) The protocol defined inRFC 2516 that allows one or more computers to connect to theInternet via a shared modem. The computers connect to themodem via a local area network such as Ethernet and themodem connects to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) via aserial connection such as PPP over ADSL.

PPPoE provides each user with a connection that looks andbehaves like a point-to-point dial-up connection even thoughthey are actually sharing an Ethernet or wireless network.At the same time, the ISP only needs to provide a singleInternet connection, with the same kind of accounting as forPPP. Also, the IP address is only assigned when the PPPoEconnection is open, allowing the dynamic reuse of IP addressesvia DHCP.

PPPoE works by encapsulating PPP frames in Ethernetframes.