Warner, Glenn

Warner, Glenn (Scobey) “Pop”

(1871–1954) football coach; born in Springville, N.Y. Although he studied law at Cornell, he practiced only a few months before embarking on a 44-year coaching career in 1895. He coached at the University of Georgia, Cornell, and Temple, but his most successful tenures were at Carlisle Indian School (1899–1903, 1907–14), where he coached Jim Thorpe; the University of Pittsburgh (1915–23), where he produced three undefeated teams; and Stanford University (1924–32), where he developed three Rose Bowl teams. He ranked his 1925 Stanford fullback, Ernie Nevers, as a greater player than Thorpe. He retired with 312 victories, more than any other coach. Contemplative and creative, he was credited with inventing numerous plays, strategies, and improvements in equipment. His greatest claim to fame was his development of both the single- and double-wing offensive formations into versatile and deceptive offensive attacks that were copied for years.