BCCNBernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (Göttingen, Germany)
BCCNBorder Counties Childcare Network (Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform; Ireland)
BCCNBethany Cell Church Network (Baker, LA)
BCCNBoone County Community Network (est. 1995; Indiana)
BCCNBorder Collie Club Nederland (Dutch: Border Collie Club Netherlands; Netherlands)
BCCNBureau de Contrôle des Chaudières Nucléaires (French: Office of Nuclear Control of Boilers)
BCCNBertrand Calenge: Carnet de Notes (French: Bertrand Calenge: Notebook; blog)
BCCNBridlewood Community Church of the Nazarene (Ottawa, Canada)
BCCNBadminton Club de Case Navire (Case Navire, Martinique)
BCCNBasket Club du Canton de Nanteuil le Haudouin (French: Basketball Club of the Canton de Nanteuil Haudouin)