Bengt Emmerik Danielsson

Danielsson, Bengt Emmerik


Born July 6, 1921. in Krokek, in the province of Ostergotland. Swedish ethnologist.

Danielsson took part in an expedition to the Amazon Basin (1946–47) and in an expedition of the raft Kon-Tiki (1947). He directed expeditions to the Tuamotu Islands (1949–51), to many archipelagoes of Polynesia (1952–53). to Australia (1955–56), and the Society Islands (1957). From 1961 to 1967 he was Swedish consul in French Polynesia. Since 1967 he has been director of the Swedish Ethnographic Museum.


In Russian translation:
Schastlivyi ostrov
. Moscow. 1962.
Bol’shoi risk. Moscow, 1962.
Bumerang. Moscow, 1964.
Pozabytye ostrova. Moscow. 1965.
Na “Baunti” v luzhnye moria. Moscow, 1966.
Gogen v Polinezii.[Moscow, 1969.]
Polineziia—zemlia v okeane. Moscow, 1970.