Warsaw Uprising of 1943

Warsaw Uprising of 1943


an armed uprising by the inmates of the Warsaw ghetto against the German fascist invaders that began on April 19. It was planned by a militant Jewish organization that was established on the initiative of the Polish Workers’ Party and headed by its leader M. Anelewicz. The People’s Guard and other democratic underground organizations gave considerable assistance. After ten days of street fighting the German fascist troops began methodically destroying the ghetto section of the city. By the beginning of July the uprising had been suppressed despite the heroic resistance of the rebels. During the smashing of the uprising Hitler’s forces killed 7,000 people, and 6,000 were burned in fires. The surviving inhabitants of the ghetto were taken to the extermination camp in Treblinka.


Poterański, W. Warszawskie getto. Warsaw, 1968.