watch someone like a hawk

watch (someone or something) like a hawk

To watch someone or something very closely. Hawks, like all birds of prey, are known for having extremely acute vision. Ms. Finnegan was watching me like a hawk during that entire test. Did she think I was going to cheat? I've been watching the site like a hawk to see if the price goes down, but so far it's only decreased by a few dollars.See also: hawk, like, watch

watch someone like a hawk

If you watch someone like a hawk, you pay close attention to everything they do, usually to make sure that they do not do anything wrong. Some guys just sit there and watch her like a hawk, dead sure she's trying to cheat. If we hadn't watched him like a hawk, he would have gone back to London. Note: Hawks have very good eyesight, and are able to see small animals or objects from a great height. See also: hawk, like, someone, watch

watch someone like a hawk

keep a vigilant eye on someone, especially to check that they do nothing wrong.See also: hawk, like, someone, watch