watch this space

watch this space

Pay attention to what I have just mentioned, because I expect something to happen soon; stay tuned. I just heard we may be getting bonuses, so watch this space.See also: space, this, watch

watch this space

1. People say watch this space to show that more information about something will be given in the future. Plans are afoot to run short courses there, so watch this space and the magazine's advertisement pages. John has one or two ideas for next year, so watch this space.2. People say watch this space to show that things might change in the future or that something might happen in the future. A review of the legislation is currently in progress, so watch this space. We're hoping to make Jam In The Park a yearly event, so watch this space.See also: space, this, watch

watch this space

used to indicate that further developments are expected and more information will be given later. informal The space referred to here is a section of a newspaper available for a specific purpose, especially for advertising. 1979 Julian Rathbone The Euro-Killers Where is he? Watch this space for exciting revelations in the next few days. See also: space, this, watch

watch this ˈspace

(informal) used in orders, to tell somebody to wait for more news about something to be announced: I can’t tell you any more right now, but watch this space.See also: space, this, watch