waxy cast

wax·y cast

a form of urinary cast consisting of homogeneous proteinaceous material that has a high refractive index, in contrast to the low refractive index of hyaline casts; waxy casts probably represent an advanced stage of the disintegrative process that results in coarsely and finely granular casts and are usually indicative of advanced renal disease.

wax·y cast

(waks'ē kast) A microscopic formed element found in the urine in renal disease.

waxy cast

A light yellowish, well-defined urinary cast probably made up of disintegrating kidney cells, found in some chronic kidney diseases, glomerulonephritis, and uncontrolled hypertension. See also: cast

wax·y cast

(waks'ē kast) Form of urinary cast consisting of homogeneous proteinaceous material that has a high refractive index, in contrast to the low refractive index of hyaline casts; waxy casts probably represents an advanced stage of the disintegrative process that results in coarsely and finely granular casts and are usually indicative of advanced renal disease.