weaning diarrhea

A condition occurring in a background of poor sanitation, which affects infants 6–24 months of age, and represents a major cause of infant mortality in developing nations; weaning from maternal milk results in exposure of the infant to new organisms, deterioration of nutrition—a mechanism similar to kwashiorkor—and loss of passively transferred IgA
Agents Enterotoxic Escherichia coli, rotavirus, Shigella spp
Diagnosis CIE, ELISA, EM of stool

weaning diarrhea

Pediatrics A condition occurring in a background of poor sanitation, affecting infants 6–24 months of age, and a major cause of infant mortality in developing nations; weaning from maternal milk results in exposure of the infant to new organisms, deterioration of nutrition–a mechanism similar to kwashiorkor and loss of passively transferred IgA Clinical Acute, sporadic, watery diarrhea, low-grade fever, vomiting, most common in the summer; in a well-nourished child, the process resolves in 2-3 days with adequate hydration, in malnourished children, diarrhea persists, and may be associated with comorbidity Agents Enterotoxic E coli, rotavirus, Shigella spp Diagnosis CIE, ELISA, EM of stool