W0070700 (wîr′ē)Weariness
- Adrenalin … seeps out of us like sawdust seeping from a stuffed toy —W. P. Kinsella
- An atmosphere of luxurious exhaustion, like a ripened shedding rose —Truman Capote
- Eyelids feel as if they are being held open by taxidermy needles —Jay Mclnerney
- Fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task —William James
- Feel … as is if my machine has temporarily run down —Janet Flanner
- Feel like a sneaker that’s been through a ringer —Nicholas S. Daniloff, television interview, September 14, 1986
Daniloff’s simile expressed his feelings after two weeks in Russian captivity.
- Felt like an old soldier exhausted by a long retreat from battle —Kenzaburo Oë
- Felt like Sisyphus taking a five-minute break, like Muhammad Ali at the end of the fourteenth round in Manila —T. Coraghessan Boyle
- Felt perpetually tired, as though she were bleeding —Francis King
- Felt tired as though she had spent the day on a hot beach —Mary Hedin
- A flurry of fatigue swept over us like a tropical rainstorm, dropping us like sodden flies —James Crumley
- Growing drowsier … as if he had been counting a flock of pedigree Southdowns —Sylvia Townsend Warner
- Had the look of an overworked nag —Sholom Aleichem
- His state [from working all day] was like a flabby orange whose crushed skin is thin with pulling, and all dented in —Amy Lowell
- I could lie down like a tired child, and weep away the life of care —Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Looked haggard … like a child after too much carnival —John D. MacDonald
- (My time is past,) my blood is dry as my bones —Grace Paley
- My fingers and back feel like I’m Quasimodo —Ray Schmidt
Schmidt’s weariness was caused by a long session of entering data into his computer, September 24, 1986
- Squeezed out like an old paint-tube —Lawrence Durrell
- Tired as an old coal miner —Reynolds Price
- Tired as a preacher in a border town —Thomas Zigal
- Tired-eyed as a diplomat —Frank Swinnerton
- A wave of sleepiness knocked me over like an ocean breaker —Gloria Norris
- Weariness … like a crushing weight —Kaatje Hurlbut
- (Shrugs) weary and eloquent as an ox under a yoke —George Garrett
- Weary and exhausted as though I had travelled along an unending road —Stefan Zweig
- Wearying as a holiday to a workaholic —Elyse Sommer
- Wore me out like a fever —Sholom Aleichem
Noun | 1. | weariness - temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work; "he was hospitalized for extreme fatigue"; "growing fatigue was apparent from the decline in the execution of their athletic skills"; "weariness overcame her after twelve hours and she fell asleep" |
drive, energy, vitality, stamina, vigour, zeal, zest, freshness, welly (slang), get-up-and-go (informal), liveliness