


A0397150 (är′ə-nyä′kə, -nyə-)n. Any of several Sanskrit religious and philosophical treatises, closely connected with the Brahmanas and Upanishads, and intended to be read by hermits in the quiet of the forest.
[Sanskrit Āraṇyakam, from neuter sing. of āraṇyaka-, pertaining to the forest, from āraṇya-, from araṇyam, foreign land, wilderness, forest, from araṇa-, distant, foreign; see al- in Indo-European roots.]
Noun1.Aranyaka - a treatise resembling a Brahmana but to be read or expounded by anchorites in the quiet of the forestAranyaka - a treatise resembling a Brahmana but to be read or expounded by anchorites in the quiet of the forest