Wendell State Forest

Wendell State Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Massachusetts
Location:In the northeast part of central Massachusetts, on Montague Road in Wendell. Take Rt 2 to Rt 63 south through Miller Falls.
Facilities:Picnic sites, pavilion, ball field, trails, boat ramp, restrooms, scenic vistas (é).
Activities:Boating (non-motorized), canoeing, fishing, swimming, hiking, mountainbiking, horseback riding, hunting (with restrictions), cross-countryskiing.
Special Features:The main day-use area in the Forest is Ruggles Pond, a 10-acre naturalpond with crystal-clear water for swimming and fishing. TheMetacomet-Monadnock Trail traverses the forest boundaries, and there isa small Adirondack shelter for trail users.
Address:Montague Rd
Wendell, MA 01379

Web: www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/central/wndl.htm
Size: 7,566 acres.

See other parks in Massachusetts.