Werner-Boyce Salt Springs State Park

Werner-Boyce Salt Springs State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Florida
Location:Off Scenic Drive in Port Richey.
Facilities:Under development. Current facilities include picnic tables, apavilion, a short hiking trail (0.5 miles), and a self-compostingtoilet facility (é).
Activities:Fishing, boating (no launch or dockage in park), picnicking.
Special Features:Park protects four miles of coastline along the Gulf of Mexico inwestern Pasco County. The salt spring appears to be small but isactually 320 feet deep. The park is a new addition to the Florida statepark system, and only a portion of it has been opened to the publicwhile additional recreational opportunities are being developed.
Address:PO Box 490
Port Richey, FL 34673

Web: www.floridastateparks.org/werner-boyce
Size: 2,615 acres land; 1,384 acres water.

See other parks in Florida.