Western Gateway Heritage State Park

Western Gateway Heritage State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Massachusetts
Location:In North Adams, in the northern part of the Berkshires in westernMassachusetts. Take Route 2 to North Adams, then Route 8 south andfollow signs.
Facilities:Historic site, picnic area, restrooms, visitor center (é).
Activities:Interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park is at a former railroad yard, where exhibits and artifacts tellthe history of the controversial and dangerous Hoosac Tunnel, one ofthe greatest engineering feats of the19th century. The tunnel, which isstill in use today, was dug 4.75 miles through Hoosac Mountain, linkingMassachusetts to Albany, NY, and 200 men lost their lives building it.
Address:9 Furnace St Bypass, Bldg 4
North Adams, MA 01247

Web: www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/western/wghp.htm
Size: 7 acres.

See other parks in Massachusetts.