Acronym | Definition |
WFLA➣Western Fraternal Life Association (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) |
WFLA➣Washington Family Leave Act |
WFLA➣Warfighting Lens Analysis |
WFLA➣West Florida Lightning Aquatics |
WFLA➣Writing from Live Art (UK) |
WFLA➣West Florida Livery Association |
WFLA➣Workshop on Formal Languages and Automata |
WFLA➣Western Flexo and Label Association |
WFLA➣Western Finger Lakes Authority |
WFLA➣World Free Latvian Association |
WFLA➣White Flanked Antwren |
WFLA➣West Florida Leadership Academy |
WFLA➣Water and Forestry Learning Academy (South Africa) |
WFLA➣World Food Logistics Association |
WFLA➣World Federation of Letterball Associations |