Acronym | Definition |
WG➣Wicked Grin |
WG➣Working Group |
WG➣Wonder Girls (Korean girl band) |
WG➣Wohngemeinschaft (German) |
WG➣Wrong (logging abbreviation) |
WG➣White Gold (jewelry) |
WG➣Wing |
WG➣Welsh Government (UK) |
WG➣Weight Gain (nutrition) |
WG➣West Godavari (India) |
WG➣Wastegate (automotive) |
WG➣Watergate |
WG➣Where's George |
WG➣Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science |
WG➣West Germany |
WG➣Welsh Guards (A British Regiment) |
WG➣Wage Grade |
WG➣War Game |
WG➣Wayne Gretzky (hockey player) |
WG➣World Geography |
WG➣Wind Generator |
WG➣WiseGuy (software) |
WG➣Wegener Granulomatosis |
WG➣Wire Gauge |
WG➣Water Gauge |
WG➣Wie Geht's? (German greeting) |
WG➣Wade-Giles |
WG➣Wave Guide |
WG➣Waste Gas |
WG➣Warsong Gulch (World of Warcraft) |
WG➣Weapons Grade |
WG➣Whispering Gallery |
WG➣Water & Gas |
WG➣Western Growers (formerly Western Growers Association) |
WG➣Without Guarantee (shipping) |
WG➣Wing Guard (basketball; similar to shooting guard) |
WG➣Water Generation |
WG➣Westminster Group PLC (UK) |
WG➣West Genesee high school (Camillus, NY) |
WG➣Weather Group (USAF) |
WG➣Welded Girder |
WG➣Was Getekend (Dutch: Was Signed) |
WG➣White Gorilla |
WG➣Weight Guaranteed |
WG➣Whirly-Girls (international women helicopter pilots) |
WG➣West Gore |
WG➣Walkers Group (legal and management services) |
WG➣Wavelength Graph |
WG➣World Geologist |
WG➣Worship Graphics (website) |
WG➣Waqooyi Galbeed (postal region, Somalia) |
WG➣Weather Gun (Trevor Constable's rainmaker) |
WG➣Welch-Gong Transformation Sequence |