

单词 what



W0058500 (wŏt, wŭt, hwŏt, hwŭt; wət, hwət when unstressed)pron.1. a. Which thing or which particular one of many: What are you having for dinner? What did she say?b. Which kind, character, or designation: What are these objects?c. One of how much value or significance: What are possessions to a dying man?2. a. That which; the thing that: Listen to what I tell you.b. Whatever thing that: come what may.3. Informal Something: I'll tell you what.4. Nonstandard Which, who, or that: It's the poor what gets the blame.adj.1. Which one or ones of several or many: What college are you attending? You should know what musical that song is from.2. Whatever: They soon repaired what damage had been done.3. How great; how astonishing: What a fool!adv. How much; in what respect; how: What does it matter?conj. That: I don't know but what I'll go.interj.1. Used to express surprise, incredulity, or other strong and sudden excitement.2. Chiefly British Used as a tag question, often to solicit agreement.Idioms: or what Informal Used as an intensive at the end of a question: Is he crazy, or what? Are you a genius, or what? what for1. A scolding or strong reprimand: The teacher gave the tardy student what for.2. For what reason; why: Give the present back.—What for? what have you What remains and need not be mentioned: a room full of chairs, lamps, radios, and what have you. what if1. What would occur if; suppose that: What if we were rich?2. What does it matter if: What if he gets angry?—I don't care. what it takes The necessary expertise or qualities needed for success: She has what it takes to be a doctor. what's what Informal The fundamentals and details of a situation or process; the true state or condition. what's/what is/what is it with Informal 1. What is the reason for: What's with the gloomy look?2. What is causing the unusual behavior of: What's with you today?3. What is interesting, unusual, or worth making an observation about: What's with airline food these days? what with Taking into consideration; because of: It's strange we can't find a cab, what with so many hotels nearby.
[Middle English, from Old English hwæt; see kwo- in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: When what is the subject of a clause, it takes a singular verb if the word or phrase that completes the sentence (the complement) is singular, as in I see what seems to be a dead tree. It is plural if a plural noun or noun phrase completes the sentence, as in He sometimes makes what seem to be gestures of reconciliation. · Clauses with what as either subject or object may themselves be the subject of a sentence, and sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the verb of the main clause should be singular or plural. When the what in the what-clause is the object of the verb and the complement of the main clause is singular, the main verb is always singular: What they wanted was a home of their own; when the complement of the main sentence is plural, the verb is most often plural: What American education needs are smaller classes, though one also encounters sentences such as What the candidate gave the audience was the same old empty promises. When what is the subject of a what-clause that is the subject of a main clause, there is greater variation in usage. When the verb of the what-clause and the complement of the main clause are both plural or both singular, the number of the verb of the main clause generally agrees with them. When the verb in the what-clause is singular and the complement in the main clause is plural, one finds both singular and plural verbs being used. Sentences similar to both of the following are found in respected writers: What drives me crazy is her frequent tantrums; What bothers him are the discrepancies in their accounts. When the complement of the main clause consists of two or more nouns, the verb of the main clause is generally singular if the nouns are singular and plural if they are plural: What pleases the voters is his honesty and his willingness to take on difficult issues; On entering the harbor what first meet the eye are luxurious yachts and colorful villas. Occasionally the choice of a singular or plural verb may be used to convey a difference in meaning. In the sentence What excite him most are money and power, the implication is that money and power are separable goals; in What excites him most is money and power, the implication is that money and power are inextricably bound together. See Usage Note at which.


(wɒt; unstressed wət) determiner1. a. used with a noun in requesting further information about the identity or categorization of something: what job does he do?. b. (as pronoun): what is her address?. c. (used in indirect questions): does he know what man did this?; tell me what he said. 2. a. the (person, thing, persons, or things) that: we photographed what animals we could see. b. (as pronoun): bring me what you've written; come what may. 3. (intensifier; used in exclamations): what a good book!. advin what respect? to what degree?: what do you care?. pron4. not standard which, who, or that, when used as relative pronouns: this is the man what I saw in the park yesterday. 5. what about what do you think, know, feel, etc, concerning?6. what for a. for what purpose? why?b. informal a punishment or reprimand (esp in the phrase give (a person) what for)7. what have you someone, something, or somewhere unknown or unspecified: cars, motorcycles, or what have you. 8. what if a. what would happen if?b. what difference would it make if?9. what matter what does it matter?10. what's what informal the true or real state of affairsinterjinformal don't you think? don't you agree?: splendid party, what?. [Old English hwæt; related to Old Frisian whet, Old High German hwaz (German was), Old Norse hvatr]Usage: The use of are in sentences such as what we need are more doctors is common, although many people think is should be used: what we need is more doctors


(ʰwʌt, ʰwɒt, wʌt, wɒt; unstressed ʰwət, wət)

pron. 1. (used interrogatively as a request for specific information): What is the matter? 2. (used interrogatively to inquire about the character, occupation, etc., of a person): What does he do? 3. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the origin, identity, etc., of something): What are those birds? 4. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the worth, usefulness, force, or importance of something): What is wealth without friends? 5. (used interrogatively to request a repetition of words or information not fully understood, usu. used in elliptical constructions): You need what? 6. (used interrogatively to inquire the reason or purpose of something, usu. used in elliptical constructions): What of it? 7. how much?: What does it cost? 8. (used relatively to indicate that which): I will send what was promised. 9. whatever; anything that: Come what may. 10. the kind of thing or person that: She said just what I was expecting. 11. as much as; as many as: We should each give what we can. 12. the thing or fact that (used in parenthetic clauses): He went to the meeting and, what was worse, insisted on speaking. 13. (used to indicate more to follow, additional possibilities, alternatives, etc.): You know what? 14. (used as an intensifier in exclamatory phrases, often fol. by an indefinite article): What luck! What an idea! 15. Brit. don't you agree?: An unusual chap, what? 16. Nonstandard. that; which; who: She's the one what told me. n. 17. the true nature or identity of something, or the sum of its characteristics: the whats and hows of crop rotation. adj. 18. (used interrogatively before nouns): What clothes shall I pack? 19. whatever: Take what supplies you need. adv. 20. to what extent or degree? how much?: What does it matter? 21. (used to introduce a prepositional phrase beginning with with): What with storms and all, their return was delayed. interj. 22. (used in exclamatory expressions, often fol. by a question): What, no kiss? conj. 23. Older Use. as much as; as far as: He helps me what he can. Idioms: 1. but what, Informal. but that: Who knows but what the sun may still shine. 2. so what, (an expression of disinterest, disinclination, or contempt.) 3. what for, a. why: What are you doing that for? b. a punishment or scolding: My mother will give me what for if I come home late again. 4. what have you, other things of the same kind; so forth: money, jewels, and what have you. 5. what if, what would be the outcome if; suppose that: What if we get lost? 6. what it takes, whatever characteristics or aids will insure one's success, as intelligence, talent, good looks, or wealth. 7. what's what, the true situation; all the facts: Ask someone who knows what's what. [before 900; Middle English; Old English hwæt, c. Old Saxon huat, Old High German (h)waz, Old Norse hvat, Gothic hwa, Latin quod, Skt kād] usage: See doubt.


1. asking for information

You use what when you are asking for information about something. You can use what as a pronoun or a determiner.

When you use what as a pronoun, it can be the subject, object, or complement of a verb. It can also be the object of a preposition.

What happened to the crew?What is your name?

When what is the object of a verb, it is followed by an auxiliary verb, the subject, and then the main verb. When what is the object of a preposition, the preposition usually goes at the end of the question.

What did she say then?What did he die of?
2. used as a determiner

When you use what as a determiner, it usually forms part of the object of a verb.

What books can I read on the subject?What car do you drive?

Be Careful!
Don't use 'what' when your question involves a choice from a limited number of people or things. For example, if someone has hurt their finger, don't ask 'What finger have you hurt?' Say 'Which finger have you hurt?'

When you get your daily paper, which page do you read first?Which department do you want?

You use what when you are asking about the time.

What time is it?What time does their flight get in?
3. used in reported clauses

What is often used in reported clauses.

I asked her what had happened.I find it difficult to understand what people are saying.
4. 'what...for'

You use what with for when you are asking about the purpose of something. You put what at the beginning of the question and for at the end of it. For example, 'What is this tool for?' means 'What is the purpose of this tool?'

What are those lights for?

In conversation, you can also use what with for to ask about the reason for something. You can say, for example, 'What are you looking at me for?' This means 'Why are you looking at me?'

What are you asking him for?
5. 'what if'

You use what if to ask what should be done if a particular difficulty occurs. For example, 'What if the bus doesn't come?' means 'What shall we do if the bus doesn't come?'

What if it's really bad weather?What if this doesn't work out?
6. 'what about'

You use what about to remind someone of something, or to draw their attention to something. What about is followed by a noun phrase.

What about the other names on the list?What about your breakfast?

Be Careful!
When you ask someone a question beginning with what about you are often expecting them to do something, rather than answer your question.

What about this bag – aren't you taking it?
7. used in relative clauses

What is sometimes used at the beginning of a special kind of relative clause called a nominal relative clause. This kind of clause functions like a noun phrase; it can be the subject, object, or complement of a verb, or the object of a preposition. In a nominal relative clause, what means 'the thing which' or 'the things which'.

What he said was perfectly true.They did not like what he wrote.I am what is known as a light sleeper.That is a very good account of what happened.

People often use a nominal relative clause in front of is or was to focus attention on the thing they are about to mention.

What I need is a lawyer.What impressed me most was their sincerity.

A similar type of clause consists of what followed by the subject and do. After a clause like this, you use be and an infinitive structure with or without to. For example, instead of saying 'I wrote to George immediately', you can say 'What I did was to write to George immediately'.

What Stefan did was to interview a lot of people.What you need to do is choose five companies to invest in.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'what' in defining or non-defining relative clauses. Don't say, for example, 'The man what you met is my brother' or 'The book what you lent me is very good'. Use who, which, or that, or don't use a relative pronoun at all. For example, say 'The man who you met is my brother' or 'The man you met is my brother'.

8. used to mean 'whatever'

What can be used with the same meaning as 'whatever', both as a pronoun and a determiner.

Do what you like.They shared what food they had.See whatever
9. used in exclamations

What is often used in exclamations.

What a great idea!What nonsense!


(wot) pronoun, adjective1. used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc. What street is this?; What's your name/address / telephone number?; What time is it?; What (kind of) bird is that?; What is he reading?; What did you say?; What is this cake made of?; `What do you want to be when you grow up?' `A doctor.'; Tell me what you mean; I asked him what clothes I should wear. 什麼 什么2. (also adverb) used in exclamations of surprise, anger etc. What clothes she wears!; What a fool he is!; What naughty children they are!; What a silly book this is! (表示驚訝、憤怒)這什麼…!真是個…! (表示惊讶)什么,瞧 relative pronoun1. the thing(s) that. Did you find what you wanted?; These tools are just what I need for this job; What that child needs is a good spanking! (關係代詞)該事物 (关系代词)所...的事物或人 2. (also relative adjective) any (things or amount) that; whatever. I'll lend you what clothes you need; Please lend me what you can. (關係代詞)任何(事物或數量) (关系代词)凡是...的事物 whatˈever relative adjective, relative pronoun any (thing(s) or amount) that. I'll lend you whatever (books) you need. 任何(事物或數量) 凡是...的事物 adjective, pronoun no matter what. You have to go on, whatever (trouble) you meet; Whatever (else) you do, don't say that! 無論什麼 无论什么 adjective whatsoever; at all. I had nothing whatever to do with that. 不管什麼 无论什么 pronoun (also what ever) used in questions or exclamations to express surprise etc. Whatever will he say when he hears this? (用於疑問句或表示驚訝)不管什麼 (用于疑问句或表示惊讶)任何的 ˈwhatnot noun such things. He told me all about publishing and whatnot. 諸如此類 诸如此类ˈwhat's-his/-her/-its etc -name noun used in referring vaguely to a person or thing. Where does what's-his-name live? 那個叫什麼名字的人來著,那個叫什麼的東西來著 某某ˌwhatsoˈever (-sou-) adjective at all. That's nothing whatsoever to do with me. 不管什麼 无论什么(用于加强语气) know what's what to be able to tell what is important. 有能力分輕重 有鉴别能力what about?1. used in asking whether the listener would like (to do) something. What about a glass of milk?; What about going to the cinema? (詢問對方的意願)要不要…? (征求对做事的意见时用)要不要? 2. used in asking for news or advice. What about your new book?; What about the other problem? (詢問消息或請教)您認為如何? (征求对某件事的看法时用)怎么样? what … for1. why(?). What did he do that for? 為什麼 为什么2. for what purpose(?). What is this switch for? 為何目的 为何目的what have you and similar things; and so on. clothes, books and what have you. 之類的 等等what if? what will or would happen if ...?. What if he comes back? 倘若...將會怎樣 倘若...将会怎么样what … like? used when asking for information about someone or something. `What does it look like?' `It's small and square.'; `What's her mother like?' `Oh, she's quite nice.'; We may go – it depends (on) what the weather's like. 像什麼樣子 像什么样子what of it? used in replying, to suggest that what has been done, said etc is not important. `You've offended him.' `What of it?' 那又怎樣 那又怎么样what with because of. What with taking no exercise and being too fat, he had a heart attack. 因為 由于...原因


→ 这是什么意思?
  • What's your name? → 您叫什么名字?
  • What should I wear? → 我应当穿什么衣服?
  • What do you do? → 你做什么工作?
  • What a beautiful day! (US)
    What a lovely day! (UK) → 今天天气真好!
  • What awful weather! → 天气真糟糕!
  • What do I do? → 我该怎么办呢?
  • What happened? → 怎么回事啊?
  • What's wrong? → 哪儿不舒服?
  • What's the matter? → 哪儿不舒服?
  • What day is it today? → 今天星期几?
  • What do you recommend? → 您推荐什么呢?
  • What is it? → 这是什么?
  • what

    • (in) the devil
    • (someone's) take on (something)
    • (well) what do you know
    • a man's got to do what a man's got to do
    • and what have you
    • and what not
    • and whatnot
    • And your point is?
    • angle at (something)
    • be just what the doctor ordered
    • be not what it's cracked up to be
    • believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see
    • come what may
    • do what comes naturally
    • does (exactly) what it says on the box
    • does (exactly) what it says on the tin
    • does what it says on the tin
    • egg in your beer, what do you want?
    • every/a monkey knows what tree to climb
    • for all it's worth
    • for all one is worth
    • for what it's worth
    • full circle, come
    • get (the) what for
    • get what (one) deserves
    • get what you deserve
    • get what's coming (to one)
    • get what's coming to one
    • give (one) (the) what for
    • give (one) what's coming (to one)
    • give (someone) what for, to
    • give somebody what for
    • give somebody/get what for
    • give someone what for
    • go around
    • good for what ails you
    • guess what
    • Guess what!
    • have what it takes
    • Here's your hat, what's your hurry?
    • how about that
    • How may I help you?
    • how on earth
    • how, what, why, etc. on earth...
    • how/what about that!
    • how/what about...?
    • I hear what you are saying
    • I hear what you're saying
    • I hear what you're saying, and I hear you
    • I know what you mean
    • I know you are but what am I
    • I see
    • I see what you did there
    • I see what you mean
    • I/I'll tell you what
    • if (one) knows what's good for (one)
    • if one knows what’s good for one
    • if one knows what's good for one
    • if you don't see what you want, just ask (for it)
    • If you don't see what you want, please ask
    • if you don't see what you want, please ask (for it)
    • if you know what's good for you
    • in (the) blazes?
    • in (the) Sam Hill?
    • in blue blazes?
    • in creation?
    • in tarnation?
    • in thunderation?
    • it is what it is
    • it's a zoo
    • it's not what you know but who you know
    • just what the doctor ordered
    • know one for what one is
    • know the score
    • know what (one) is about
    • know what (one) is doing
    • know what (one) is talking about
    • know what (one) likes
    • know what I 'm saying?
    • know what it is to be (something)
    • know what it is to be/do something
    • know what you are about
    • know what you like
    • know what you're doing/about
    • know what you're talking about
    • know what/which side of the bread is buttered (on), to
    • know what’s what
    • know what's good for you
    • know what's o'clock
    • know what's what
    • know what's what, to
    • left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
    • left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, the
    • Look at what the cat dragged in!
    • Look what the cat dragged in!
    • look what the cat('s) dragged in
    • look what the cat's dragged in
    • Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
    • no matter
    • no matter what
    • no matter what/when/where/why/who/how
    • no matter who, what, where, when, etc.
    • no prizes for guessing (something)
    • no prizes for guessing what..., who..., etc.
    • not all is cracked up to be
    • not all it's cracked up to be
    • not know what (one is) missing
    • not know what hit (one)
    • not know what hit you
    • not know what to do with (oneself)
    • not know what to do with yourself
    • not know what to make of
    • not know what to make of (someone or something)
    • not know what you're missing
    • Now what?
    • or what
    • or what?
    • pick up what (one) is putting down
    • practice what (one) preaches
    • practice what you preach
    • practise what you preach
    • put off
    • reap what you sow
    • recognize (someone or something) for what (someone or something) is
    • recognize for what it is
    • sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, what's
    • Say what?
    • see (one) for what (one) (really) is
    • see somebody/something for what they are/it is
    • see what I care
    • See what I did there?
    • show (someone) what (one's) made of
    • so what
    • so what?
    • tell (one) what (one) can do with (something)
    • tell (someone) what's what
    • tell someone what to do with something
    • tell what to do with
    • tell you what
    • that ain't what I heard
    • That’s all she wrote
    • That’s what I say
    • That’s what she wrote
    • That's all needs
    • That's all she wrote
    • that's not what I heard
    • that's what (someone) thinks
    • that's what I say
    • that's what she said
    • that's what somebody thinks
    • that's what's up
    • the blazes
    • the heart wants what it wants
    • the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
    • the left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing
    • the old gray mare ain't what she used to be
    • the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing
    • the right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doing
    • Things are seldom what they seem
    • to put it another way
    • turn down for what
    • what (in) the devil
    • what (one) has coming
    • what (one) is driving at
    • what (one) is made of
    • what (one) says goes
    • What a crock!
    • what a life
    • what a life!
    • What a nerve!
    • What a pity!
    • what a time to be alive
    • what a zoo
    • what about
    • What about it?
    • What about you?
    • What about?
    • What am I, chopped liver?
    • what are the odds
    • what are we waiting for?
    • What are you drinking?
    • What are you driving at?
    • What are you having?
    • what are you like
    • What are you on?
    • what are you waiting for?
    • what are you, was he, etc. getting at?
    • What became of (someone or something)?
    • What brings you here?
    • What can I do for you?
    • What can I do you for?
    • What can I say?
    • What can I tell you?
    • What can you expect?
    • What can't be cured must be endured
    • What did (someone) do with (something)?
    • What did I tell you?
    • what did you, etc. do with something?
    • what did your last slave die of
    • What difference does it make?
    • what do I know
    • what do you call (someone)/it
    • What do you do for (something)?
    • what do you do for something?
    • What do you expect?
    • what do you know
    • What do you know for sure?
    • what do you know!
    • what do you know, (well)
    • What do you know?
    • what do you make of (something)
    • What do you say?
    • What do you take me for?
    • What do you think of that?
    • What do you think of this weather?
    • What do you think you are doing here?
    • What do you think?
    • What do you want me to say?
    • what do you want to bet (that)
    • what do you want, a cookie
    • What does (one) know?
    • what does that have to do with the price of tea in China
    • What does that prove?
    • what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
    • What else can I do for you?
    • what else is new
    • What else is new?
    • what for
    • what for?
    • What gives (with someone or something)?
    • What gives?
    • what goes around comes around
    • What goes around, comes around
    • what goes over the devil's back comes under his belly
    • What goes up must come down
    • What happened?
    • what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
    • what happens on the road stays on the road
    • what happens on tour stays on tour
    • What has (someone) done with (something)?
    • What has become of (someone or something)?
    • what has been seen cannot be unseen
    • what hath God wrought
    • what have you
    • What have you been up to?
    • what if
    • What if I do?
    • What if I don't?
    • What if...?
    • what in hell
    • What in Sam Hill?
    • what in tarnation
    • What in the devil?
    • what in the hell
    • What in the hell?
    • What in the Sam Hill?
    • what in the world
    • What is (one) driving at?
    • What is (one) getting at?
    • What is (one) waiting for?
    • What is (someone or something) doing (some place)?
    • What is (someone) playing at?
    • What is (someone's) game?
    • what is cracked up to be
    • What is it?
    • what is more
    • what is somebody/something doing...?
    • what is the world coming to?
    • what it (all) comes down to
    • what it takes
    • what makes (one) tick
    • what makes one tick
    • what makes somebody tick
    • what makes someone tick
    • what makes tick
    • What makes you think so?
    • What more can I do?
    • What more do you want, jam on it?
    • What must be, must be
    • What nerve!
    • What number are you calling?
    • What of it?
    • what on earth
    • what one doesn't know won't hurt one
    • what part of no don't you understand?
    • what planet are you on?
    • What planet is (someone) on?
    • what planet is someone on?
    • What possessed (someone) to (do something)?
    • what possessed somebody to do something?
    • what price
    • What price (something)?
    • what price...?
    • What price?
    • What said
    • What say?
    • what somebody is driving at
    • what somebody is made of
    • what someone is driving at
    • What someone said
    • what the
    • what the (blue) blazes
    • What the deuce?
    • What the devil?
    • what the eye doesn't see
    • what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over
    • what the heck
    • What the heck!
    • what the hell
    • what the hell!
    • What the hell?
    • what the hey
    • what the hey!
    • what was (one) smoking
    • what was that
    • What was the name again?
    • what will become of (someone or something)
    • what will become/has become/became of somebody/something?
    • what with
    • what with something
    • what would Jesus do
    • What would you like to drink?
    • What would you say if...?
    • What would you say to (something)?
    • what would/do you say?
    • what you are made of
    • What you don't know won't hurt you
    • what you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts
    • What you see is what you get
    • what you've never had you never miss
    • what(ever) will be, will be
    • what, me worry
    • what/whatever somebody says, goes
    • what/where/who the blazes...?
    • What’ll it be?
    • What’s buzzin’ cousin?
    • What’s buzzin’?
    • What’s coming off?
    • What’s cooking?
    • What’s eating someone?
    • What’s going down?
    • What’s going on?
    • What’s happ?
    • What’s happening?
    • what’s his face
    • what’s his name
    • What’s in it for me?
    • What’s in the bag!
    • What’s it to you?
    • What’s new?
    • What’s poppin’
    • What’s really good witcha?
    • What’s shakin’ bacon?
    • What’s shakin’?
    • What’s the catch?
    • What’s the damage?
    • What’s the deal?
    • What’s the dilly?
    • What’s the good word?
    • What’s the scam?
    • What’s the scoop?
    • What’s the word?
    • What’s up doc?
    • What’s up, G?
    • What’s up?
    • What’s with someone/something?
    • What’s your age?
    • What’s your damage?
    • What’s yours?
    • what-d'you-call-him/-her/-it/-them
    • whatever (one) says goes
    • Whatever happened to (someone or something)?
    • What'll it be?
    • what's (someone's) beef (with someone or something)
    • What's (someone's) problem?
    • What's (something) between friends?
    • What's (something) in aid of?
    • What's (something) when it's at home?
    • What's (up) with (someone)?
    • What's (up) with (something)?
    • What's all that about?
    • what's all this
    • what's all this in aid of?
    • what's all this/that?
    • What's biting (someone)?
    • What's buzzin'?
    • What's coming off?
    • what's coming to one
    • what's cooking
    • What's cooking?
    • What's done cannot be undone
    • what's done is done
    • What's eating (someone)?
    • what's eating somebody?
    • what's eating someone
    • what's eating you
    • what's eating you?
    • What's eating?
    • What's going on?
    • what's good for the goose is good for the gander
    • what's got into somebody?
    • What's got into?
    • What's got(ten) into (someone)?
    • What's happening?
    • what's his face
    • what's his/her face
    • What's in a name?
    • What's in it for me?
    • What's it to (someone)?
    • what's it to you, him, her, etc.?
    • What's it to you?
    • What's keeping?
    • what's more
    • what's new (with you)?
    • What's new with you?
    • What's new?
    • what's not to like?
    • What's on tap for today?
    • What's poppin'?
    • what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
    • What's shakin'?
    • what's somebody playing at?
    • what's somebody's/your game?
    • What's that got to do with the price of cheese?
    • What's that got to do with the price of eggs?
    • What's that got to do with the price of fish?
    • What's that got to do with the price of meat?
    • What's that got to do with the price of tea in China?
    • What's that supposed to mean?
    • What's that?
    • What's the betting (line)
    • what's the betting...?
    • What's the big idea?
    • What's the catch?
    • What's the damage?
    • what's the deal
    • what's the difference
    • What's the drill?
    • what's the good of
    • what's the good of (doing something)
    • What's the good of?
    • what's the idea
    • What's the idea?
    • What's the magic word?
    • what's the matter
    • What's the matter (with someone or something)?
    • What's the matter?
    • what's the odds?
    • What's the problem?
    • What's the scam?
    • What's the scoop?
    • what's the use (of doing something)
    • what's the use?
    • What's the word?
    • What's the world coming to?
    • what's this, etc. in aid of?
    • What's to know?
    • what's up
    • what's up with (someone)
    • What's up, doc?
    • What's up?
    • what's what
    • what's with
    • what's with somebody?
    • what's with something?
    • What's with?
    • What's wrong?
    • What's your age?
    • what's your game?
    • What's your pleasure?
    • What's your poison?
    • what's your problem?
    • What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine
    • What's yours?
    • what's... between friends?
    • what's-his/her/their-name
    • Where's the beef?
    • who are you, and what have you done with (someone)
    • who knows what
    • who, what, where, etc. the devil...
    • why on earth
    • worth of a thing is what it will bring
    • You and what army?
    • You and who else?
    • you are what you eat
    • You cannot lose what you never had
    • You get what you pay for
    • You got to do what you got to do
    • you know something
    • you know what
    • you know who/what
    • you never know what you've got till it's gone
    • you reap what you sow
    • you what
    EncyclopediaSeeWhat if?


    WHATWinter Haven Area Transit
    WHATWilmington Health Access for Teens (North Carolina)
    WHATWellfleet Harbor Actors Theater (Wellfleet, MA)
    WHATWeb Hypertext Application Technology
    WHATWireless Hybrid Asynchronous Time Bounded
    WHATWeb Hypertext Applications Technology
    WHATWest Hills Aquatic Team
    WHATWetland Habitat Alliance of Texas
    WHATWacky Harebrained Absurd Trivia (game at LuckySurf.com, Inc.)
    WHATWheels Hull Armour Turret
    WHATWest Houston Aquatics Team (Texas)
    WHATWorld Hunger Awareness Team

    See WA
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