White Muscle Disease

White Muscle Disease


a disease in young agricultural animals characterized by disruptions of metabolism and affliction of the cardiac and skeletal muscles. Calves and lambs are affected and, more rarely, piglets, fur-bearing animals, chicks, and ducklings. It is assumed that the cause of white muscle disease is inadequate feeding of the pregnant female animals (a shortage of protein, phosphorus, microelements, or vitamins). Sick animals are lethargic, lie down a great deal, develop paralysis of the extremities, and breathe more rapidly. In serious cases there is loss of appetite, diarrhea, and a rise in body temperature. The disease lasts 3–7 days; sometimes an animal dies within a few hours after the appearance of the signs of the disease. Therapy calls for selenium and vitamin preparations and special diet.


Vnutrennie nezaraznye bolezni sel’skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh, 2nd ed. Edited by I. G. Sharabrin. Moscow, 1964.
Onegov, A. P. “Belomyshechnaia bolezn’.” In Velerinarnaia en-tsiklopediia, vol 1. Moscow, 1968.