Whitewater Memorial State Park

Whitewater Memorial State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Indiana
Location:1.5 miles south of Liberty, off IN 101.
Facilities:236 electric and 45 non-electric campsites with modern restrooms andshowers, 37 primitive horsemen's campsites, youth tent camping areas(primitive), 20 family cabins, camp store, picnic areas, shelters,playgrounds, playfields, hiking trails (9 miles), equestrian trails (9miles), saddle barn, 2 boat ramps, boat rentals (rowboats, paddleboats,canoes), swimming beach, bathhouse, naturalist services (seasonal).
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, ice fishing, boating (electric motors onlyon Whitewater Lake), hiking, horseback riding, guided trailrides, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park was established in 1949 as a living memorial to the men and womenwho served in World War II. The land for the park was originallypurchased through a joint effort by Fayette, Franklin, Union, and Waynecounies.
Address:1418 S State Rd 101
Liberty, IN 47353

Web: www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/properties/park_whitewater.html
Size: 1,710 acres.

See other parks in Indiana.