Whitmore disease


(mel'ē-oy-dō'sis), An infectious disease of rodents in India and Southeast Asia that is caused by Pseudomonas pseudomallei and is communicable to humans. The characteristic lesion is a small caseous nodule, found generally throughout the body, which breaks down into an abscess; symptoms vary according to the tracts or organs involved. Synonym(s): pseudoglanders, Whitmore disease [G. mēlis, a distemper of asses, + eidos, resemblance, + -osis, condition]

Whitmore disease

(hwit'mor?) [Alfred Whitmore, Brit. surgeon, 1876–1946] Melioidosis.


Alfred, English surgeon, 1876-1946. Whitmore bacillus - a species found in cases of melioidosis in humans and other animals and in soil and water in tropical regions. Synonym(s): Pseudomonas pseudomalleiWhitmore disease - an infectious disease of rodents in India and Southeast Asia that is caused by Pseudomonas pseudomallei and is communicable to humans. Synonym(s): melioidosis